

B.C. firefighters step up to help south of the border

More than 200 B.C. firefighters and related personnel are heading to the U.S. to help battle extreme fire activity in Oregon. “Over 800 BC Wildfire Service personnel volunteered to go into someone else’s community and to someone else’s fire to do what they can to make sure people are safe,” said Premier John Horgan. “That is...

Fines for 'dooring' going up -- 'way up

Drivers will soon have a stronger incentive to take a good look around before opening their car doors. To better protect cyclists, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is raising the fine for “dooring.” The new fine for anyone who opens a car door when it is not reasonably safe to do so (known as “dooring”) will...


MEC's Sale/Liquidation and Others Like It Must Be Subject to Government Review Wednesday, September 16th, 2020 – PRINCE GEORGE – "Since the announcement of the liquidation of Mountain Equipment Co-op and its purchase by a US-based group of investors, prominent British Columbians, including John Horgan, have condemned and...

By-Election coming up for Rossland

Voters and potential candidates – this is for everyone. Candidates who were nominated for the by-election that was scheduled for earlier in the year, which was cancelled by the Provincial government with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, will need to be nominated again to stand for election in the upcoming by-election. ...

RDKB wins a 2020 Sustainable Communities Award

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) is pleased to announce it has been selected as a winner of a 2020 Sustainable Communities Award for exceptional work in the Visionary Award category for Accelerate Kootenays. The awards honour and celebrate the most innovative environmental initiatives in cities and communities...

Explainer: What’s in wildfire smoke, and why is it so bad for your lungs?

By Luke  Montrose, for The Conversation If I dare to give the coronavirus credit for anything, I would say it has made people more conscious of the air they breathe. A friend texted me recently after going for a jog in the foothills near Boise, Idaho, writing: “My lungs are burning … explain what’s happening!!!” A wildfire ...

Mountie launches the first children’s book in a series about the Musical Ride: Harry the Musical Ride Horse

For Katherine Hansen, joining the RCMP Musical Ride in 1996 was a dream come true. As a little girl growing up on a farm in Penticton, Katherine was horse-crazy. But it was when she saw the Musical Ride at age six, that her future path became crystal clear. From that moment on, I had a vision to become a Mountie and ride in...

Kootenay communities take note: 10-year-old inspires others to 'climb for Alzheimers'

Not many 10-year-olds would consider spending their birthday climbing the 2,830 steps up the notoriously challenging Grouse Grind® – but young fundraiser Talia Yorish is determined to make a difference. 2020 marks the her third time in the Climb for Alzheimer’s, a fundraising challenge to raise awareness and funds for the...

The new Emergency Department at KBRH is open for service

Effective Tuesday, September 1, people who live in the Kootenay Boundary region can now access the updated emergency department (ED) at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) in Trail.  “I am pleased to see this portion of renovations at KBRH open to patients. The emergency department and electrical redevelopment...

Province introduces new measures to enforce COVID-19 public safety

Police and other provincial enforcement officers are being given the ability to issue $2,000 violation tickets for owners or organizers contravening the provincial health officer’s (PHO) order on gatherings and events. They will also be able to issue $200 violation tickets to individuals not following the direction of police...

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