

Advance voting in BC Election opens Thursday

Elections BC said in a media release that advance voting for the 2020 Provincial General Election opened today (Thursday, October 15), running until Wednesday, October 21. Elections BC said the advance voting period is seven days this election, up from six in the last provincial election in 2017. “An extra day has been added...

Invasive species — St. John’s wort

St. John’s wort (hypericum perforatum) is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.  It was brought to North America for its medicinal and spiritual properties. Since its arrival it has invaded grasslands, open forests, pastures and disturbed areas. It creates dense patches, displaces native plants and reduces forage...

Conservative Seres, BC Wexit Greig join Boundary-Similkameen race

There are now four people in the running for the vacant Boundary-Similkameen after the BC Conservatives and Wexit BC confirmed candidates for the upcoming BC Provincial Election October 24th. Darryl Seres, a South Okanagan resident, will be representing BC’s Conservatives while Arlyn Greig, for the BC Wexit Party, recently ...

Got mobility issues? Try the new Accessible Trail.

For people in wheelchairs and people with mobility issues who need walkers, canes or crutches to help them walk, there is now a nice, smooth, low-angle loop trail that winds for about one kilometre through trees and bushes and open areas on the south side of Strawberry Pass (Nancy Greene Summit), in the Rossland Range Recreation...

Hometown girl needs YOUR help to make international splash

A 19-year-old Castlegar woman is looking to put the Kootenays in the International eye as a semi-finalist in Maxim Australia’s Cover Girl Contest – but she’s running out of time and needs your vote! The grand prize brings with it $25,000 worth of cash and prizes, including a photo shoot in Australia for the...

Open letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry: speading COVID-19 in prisons

Dear Dr. Henry, Thank you profusely, Dr. Henry, for everything you and your ministry staff have done these past many months to safeguard British Columbians from the suffering of the global novel coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic. I am a sixty-six year old Extinction Rebellion climate activist residing in Victoria, and am writing...

Ecosystem restoration burn planned for Boundary Region

In a media release Wednesday, the BC Wildfire Service said it plans to conduct a 41-hectare ecosystem restoration burn in the Bubar Creek area of the Southeast Fire Centre, about seven kilometres northeast of Rock Creek and about 35 kilometres west of Grand Forks. The BC Wildfire Service said smoke will be visible from Rock...

Letter: Distressed by early election

Editor, the Rossland Telegraph: I want to be wrong about this. I am only half certain. I think the BC NDP are heading for a defeat.   Premier Horgan has watched New Brunswick's election result and drawn a conclusion, but he is wrong about British Columbians. We are not tolerant of crude political tactics to sustain his power...

Yellow archangel has escaped in the Boundary

Yellow archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) is native to the shaded woods of Europe and Western Asia and introduced in Canada as a garden ornamental.  Yellow archangel has escaped in the Boundary and can be found growing under trees in the Christina Lake area and possibly in other areas.  It is in the mint family, so it has square...

Column: From the Hill -- What we need from Parliament now

Parliament begins its fall session this coming week and I have just returned from a week of meetings in Ottawa to discuss how that sitting will look—both in terms of how we will meet and the policies the government may bring forward in the Speech from the Throne on Wednesday. Throughout the spring and summer, the House of...

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