

Trail RCMP assist Rossland SAR in rescuing two hikers

On September 12, 2021, at 4:13 p.m. Trail and Greater District RCMP received a report about two hikers, a 51-year-old and 59-year-old Trail woman, possibly stranded on the Old Glory Trail, in Rossland. A frontline Trail RCMP officer contacted Rossland Search and Rescue who took action and located the pair by helicopter....

RDKB and FortisBC continue climate action together

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has entered into a new agreement with FortisBC Energy Inc. (FortisBC) to extend funding for a Senior Energy Specialist position over a two-year period through FortisBC’s Climate Action Partners Program. Senior Energy Specialist Freya Phillips has worked for the past two years...

Maximum allowable rent increase capped at 1.5% for 2022

B.C.’s maximum allowable rent increase amount for 2022 is being set at 1.5%, based on inflation. This increase cannot take effect prior to Jan. 1, 2022. If landlords choose to increase rent, they must provide a full three months’ notice to tenants using the correct notice of rent increase form. To support British Columbians,...

Nk’Mip Creek Wildfire Alerts Rescinded

The evacuation alert for residents in the Mount Baldy area due to the Nk’Mip Creek Wildfire has been rescinded. Cooler temperatures and lighter winds have enabled fire personnel to make progress on suppression efforts. According to the BC Wildfire Service, 61 personnel are still actioning the fire with assistance from 9 pieces...

Campfires to be allowed again in parts of the Southeast Fire Centre

The combination of a return to more seasonal weather conditions, with rainfall and cooler temperatures and decreased fire danger ratings, have reduced the risk of wildfires in southeastern B.C. Effective at noon on Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, campfires will be permitted in the Cranbrook, Invermere, Columbia, Arrow and Kootenay...

Invasive Species — Tree of Heaven

Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a native from central China, and was introduced to North America as an ornamental. This invasive tree is a growing concern in the Kootenay-Boundary region as its roots can damage asphalt and foundations. Tree of Heaven spreads by both roots and seeds, and can produce 325,000 seeds per...

Area restriction for the Gladstone Park wildfire rescinded

The BC Wildfire Services said that the Area Restriction that was established around the Gladstone Park wildfire (N61687) has been rescinded. The BC Wildfire Services said this is due to the downturn in weather and reduced fire activity, and now there is no need at this time to restrict public access to the area. The BC Wildfire...

B.C. wildfires: quick statistics

The wildfire situation is continually evolving, and the information below is current as of 7 p.m. (Pacific time) on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021. For real-time updates on evacuation alerts and orders, visit: https://twitter.com/EmergencyInfoBC For the latest wildfire information, visit: www.bcwildfire.ca Fires: Wildfires currently...

Smoke from fires south of border impact Boundary Region

Three wildfires burning south of the United States border may be visible from communities in the Southeast Fire Centre including Grand Forks, Midway, Rock Creek and surrounding areas. Winds in northeast Washington state where these fires are burning are pushing the fires south, away from the border. There is no threat to...

UPDATED: August 3 report on the Nk’Mip Creek Wildfire

During the weekend, according to BC Wildfire Service battling the Nk'Mip Creek Wildfire: Fire growth was observed on the northeastern flank, however, cooler, more humid weather has helped firefighting efforts. The fire is now estimated to have burned more than 16,005 hectares. There are 186 firefighters, six helicopters and...

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