

Premier confirms cancer, but with positive prognosis

Premier John Horgan has released the following statement regarding the latest state of his health: “The surgery and biopsy that were done last week were successful and I am grateful to the amazing health-care team for all the support I’ve received. The pathology confirmed that the growth in my throat was cancerous. “My prognosis...

Special weather statement for Highway 3, Paulson Summit to Kootenay Pass.

Environment Canada has issued a Special weather statement Friday for Highway 3 — Paulson Summit to Kootenay Pass. Environment Canada said heavy rain is expected, with snow accumulations near the summit for Highway 3 Friday morning. “A weather system continues to give heavy rain over Kootenay regions — snow level is currently...

Dissolving Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort: A town with no people

The controversial Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality is one step closer to meeting its end. Today, Bill 26 was introduced by the BC government that includes measures to dissolve BC’s only town without a population, created for a widely-opposed ski resort.  Wildsight Executive Director and Jumbo Wild Lead Robyn Duncan...

Halloween mega displays on the rise in B.C. neighbourhoods

New research from BC Hydro finds festive lights and blow up decorations are no longer limited to just the holiday season as more British Columbians are putting up Halloween ‘mega displays.’ The survey finds almost a quarter of British Columbians now decorate about the same amount for both Halloween and Christmas – with almost...

Winter tire regulations now in effect

With cold-weather season approaching, drivers and vehicle owners are reminded that B.C.’s annual winter tire requirements are in effect. As of Friday, Oct. 1, 2021, winter tires are mandatory for all vehicles on most British Columbia highways to increase travel safety until spring. Winter tires are required for travel on: all...

Open Burning to be Permitted in Boundary Zone

Effective at noon Pacific Time on Friday, September 24, 2021, the Southeast Fire Centre said in an emailed statement that all open burning will be permitted again in the Boundary fire zone.  The Southeast Fire Centre said this rescind means that campfires, category 2 and 3 open fires, and resource management burning will be...

NDP Dick Cannings re-elected in South Okanagan-West Kootenay

Richard Cannings is heading back to Ottawa to represent the riding in the South Okanagan-West Kootenay. In an election that mirrored one in 2019, the NDP candidate defeated Helena Konanz of the Conservative Party for the second consecutive time by more than 3,600 (24,759 total) votes. The South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding,...

Drought fallout: Weakened trees and La Niña could mean more fall storm outages

A new BC Hydro report outlines how drought-weakened trees coupled with stormier La Niña weather conditionsmay result inmore power outages this fall and winter. In the report titled, “The perfect storm: How summer drought could mean severe fall storm fallout,”  BC Hydro meteorologistspredict this summer’s record-breaking...

New co-director leadership at regional economic development office

Economic activity is ramping up in the Lower Columbia region, as two new directors lead the charge. Rebecca Richards has been appointed Director of the Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) in partnership with Jacomien van Tonder, Director of Metal Tech Alley. Their co-directorship responds to both entities’ increasing...

RDKB, FortisBC continue climate action together

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has entered into a new agreement with FortisBC Energy Inc. (FortisBC) to extend funding for a Senior Energy Specialist position over a two-year period through FortisBC’s Climate Action Partners Program. Senior Energy Specialist Freya Phillips has worked for the past two years...

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