

Aquilini withdraws request for re-zoning at Christina Lake

The crowd of over 390 people present burst out in applause when, in a completely unexpected move, John Negrin of Aquilini Renewable Energy announced that their request for re-zoning industrial land at Christina Lake, B.C. was being withdrawn. The news was relayed in person by Negrin at the Area Planning Commission (APC) meeting...

Women and iron

Iron needs vary throughout a woman’s lifespan, but from the onset of menstruation, until menopause, women’s iron needs are significantly higher than men’s. Female endurance athletes, pregnant women, vegetarian women and vegetarian adolescents have the highest iron needs of all, and are at the highest risk for iron deficiency.Iron...

Kettle Valley Food Co-op receives funding from Canadian government

In the name of the Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Veterans Affairs, Minister of State (Agriculture), The Honourable Stockwell Day, President of the Treasury Board and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway announced that the Government of Canada is supporting local food production with $17,700 in funding for the...

Beaverdell school closure consultation process officially started

While the audience of local residents from Beaverdell and Midway fluctuated between catcalls and applause, the Board of Trustees of School District 51 debated whether to consider proceeding with the closure of Beaverdell and Midway Elementary Schools in the Boundary region. Although Board Chair, Teresa Rezansoff, tried...

Great end to a great ski season - Phoenix ski hill's spring fling

Spring Fling 2010 marked the ending of another great season at Phoenix Mountain. A typical spring day, it was punctuated by a little rain, a little snow, quite a bit of sunshine, and great riding on nice soft snow. The event was well attended by skiers, boarders and spectators who enjoyed great music and the licensed outdoor...

Castlegar takes the Earth Cup home again

FortisBC asked customers to unplug and share their plans for Earth Hour this past Saturday. And unplug they did. People from 32 different communities within the FortisBC service area pledged their support at www.fortisbc.com. As a result, electricity consumption dropped by 2.06 per cent, or 6.38 megawatts, during Earth Hour...

Telephone scam targeting elderly locals

Grand Forks RCMP are investigating reports of attempted fraud where an individual has telephoned to ask for money. The individual appears to be targeting elderly people, stating that their grandchild is needing money to pay bail or lawyer fees. Grand Forks RCMP urge that if you are contacted in such a manner, that you do not...

School District 51 initiates community meetings after education budgets announced

Even though provincial education budgets increased by $112 million over last year’s funding, School District 51 will be facing with an overall deficit of $976,000. A debt that Board of Trustees Chair Teresa Rezansoff said is due to costs that the district cannot avoid. As a result, the first in a series of financial meetings...

Earth hour challenge to take the cup away from Castlegar

The gloves are off! Castlegar has challenged West Kootenay / Boundary communities to beat them at the Earth Hour Challenge. So, from the Boundary Sentinel and Granby Wilderness Society, we are asking everyone to get involved and for one hour on Saturday, Mar. 27 at 8:30 p.m., do something in the dark. Anything. Let’s kick...

Christina Lake stewards continue their work after AGM

Celebrated advancements and achievements from 2009 and plans for 2010, the annual general meeting of the Christina Lake Stewardship Society was held on Thursday, Mar. 11. For the 35 society members, the meeting highlighted their many projects and partnerships that make the society a leader in the province for stewardship. The...

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