

Walk a block for lupus May 1

The 9th Annual Walk a Block for Lupus is Lupus Canada's most important fundraising and public awareness event. It has grown from a small walk eight years ago to hundreds of walks across Canada in 2010. The Walk a Block is celebrated each year in Grand Forks, says organizer Shawna Schuh, and will be taking place again next...

School board meeting deals with school closures and conflicts of interest

Finance meetings, strategic planning, and the monthly meeting of the School District 51’s Board of Trustees has kept educators and parents busy over the last three weeks. The board has been trying to find middle ground in cuts to the district to meet the funding available from the province for the Boundary region this year ...

New food co-op's initial meeting connects producers and consumers

The creation of a local food network is one step closer after the Kettle Valley Food Co-operative (KVFC) hosted its first members meeting. The successful gathering on Saturday, Apr. 17 saw over 50 of its new members – both producers and consumers – get together and explore plans for local food.“This was a very exciting day ...

Program options for unemployed still available

The Boundary is changing – are you? Have you recently lost your job? Have your hours of work been cut back, or are you looking for a career change? At some point, everyone makes a job change whether it’s due to job loss, shortage of work or personal need for a career change.While jobs are hard to come by in this economy,...

Dollars from SIDIT arrive for the Christina Living Arts Centre

Not only was Wednesday Apr. 14 a beautiful spring day, it was also a great day to receive a cheque for $150,000. Luby Pow, chief executive officer for the Southern Interior Development Trust (SIDIT), was on site at the Christina Living Arts Centre to pass on their contribution for the project to Bob Dupee, representing the ...

Spring Thing 2010 - celebrating agriculture in the Boundary

And celebrate they did! The Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society was very pleased with the attendance at their event, which was aimed at profiling the many projects the society has initiated in the Boundary Region.Alex Atamanenko shared the recommendations resulting from his National Food Security Tour and...

Seniors co-op offers a new style of retirement living

A uniquely designed community is growing in Castlegar. At the Grandview Heights housing project run by the Kootenay Columbia Seniors Housing Co-operative (KCHSC), they are creating a community where people can “live in place.”On Friday, Apr. 9 the co-op was in Grand Forks with information about the new senior’s community to...

Regional renal care services receives new dialysis equipment

Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital and other sites in the East Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary have received a total of $485,000 in new dialysis and water treatment equipment to better serve patients who access the Kootenay Renal Program.“This new equipment will provide improved kidney care to residents of the Kootenays for...

Newly imported measles virus shows up in Interior

Interior Health is asking healthcare professionals and the public to be alert for the signs and symptoms of measles, after three people in the region were diagnosed with the disease in the last 10 days.The three cases are not directly connected to each other, occurring in Vernon, Lillooet and Williams Lake, and only one case...

Wind storm takes out more trees in Evergreen cemetery

City works crews went to work on storm damage clean up this week after the wind on Saturday took down two trees in the city cemetery. The same storm that left thousands of residents without power in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island passed through the valley on Saturday morning. While the storm saw wind speeds of over...

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