

Community garden named "Hanneke's Place"

The Grand Forks community garden has a new name: Hanneke’s Place. Unveiled on Sunday, Aug. 29, the new sign commemorates one of the garden’s most committed volunteers who was also instrumental as its designer – Hanneke Bluthanthal. Hanneke passed away before she was able to see the garden come to fruition but her spirit of ...

Air quality warning imminent due to fires and winds

An air quality warning may be occurring at any time today, according to Paul Willis with the Ministry of Environment. A mixture of dust being raised by winds, smoke from nearby fires in Washington State and fires in B.C. are causing enough particulate in our air in the Grand Forks valley to cause concern."Currently we are...

Police to review security at the Grand Forks detachment after b & e

While the Grand Forks detachment of the RCMP can be satisfied they have solved the case of another break-and-enter, the seriousness of this particular case cannot be overlooked. The Grand Forks headquarters of the RCMP was the site of this crime. Sometime between the evening of Wednesday, Aug. 11 and the morning of Thursday...

Dr. Art Hister brings his humourous healthy message to the Lake

All of us have sat through a lecture on health: eat better, take your vitamins, and exercise. Now if you think that’s what you’re going to hear when you attend Dr. Art Hister’s presentation in Christina Lake, well, you’re right. But the adventure in seeing Hister deliver his humourous message with interesting tidbits you may...

Canadian households: Among highest debt-to-income ratios in the world

by Armine Yalnizyan   In the past few weeks some of Canada’s most respected economic authorities, including Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, have voiced concerns over the fragility of the recovery, globally and at home.  Now Paul Krugman joins that chorus of Cassandras, pointing his finger straight at the wishful thinkers...

Train to support community restorative justice

For entry level crimes involvement in the formal court system has been shown to encourage repeat offenses and worse. Restorative justice programs developed from traditions that encourage the victim and offender to face each other and work towards appropriate justice have been growing across North America with excellent...

China's economy surpasses Japan's in second quarter

 China's economy surpassed Japan's during the second quarter of 2010, and now is the second largest world economic power. China's economy already is larger than Japan's in the fourth quarter of most years, and many expect that the world's most populous country will soon cement its place as the world's second largest economy...

AGRICULTURE: Valley Food News

 Community Garden set to grow The Kettle Valley Community Garden is continuing its progress towards completion.  The fence is up, the automatic irrigation system is in and operational, the raised garden beds are built and on site. The beds will be filled "lasagna style" - layering soil with compostable material.  They have ...

Early puberty for US girls raises health risk

 According to a new study, US girls are reaching puberty earlier than ever, a trend that raises some health concerns. The study, which was conducted in New York's East Harlem, the Cincinnati metropolitan area and the San Francisco Bay area, showed that by age eight, 27% of girls had begun puberty and showed breast development....

Winds force city's hand to remove more trees at Evergreen Cemetery

Although falling trees at the Evergreen Cemetery might be Mother Nature’s way of dealing with the urban deer population, this week’s storms led to the removal of three more beauties from the park-like setting. Over the last month, passersby would have seen sections of the cemetery marked off with red tape indicating the...

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