

HEALTH: Take precautions during tick season

As the weather warms, people across Interior Health will be spending more time outdoors in tall grass or wooded areas and this means an increased chance of getting tick bites. Ticks are small bugs that bite and feed on the blood of humans and animals and sometimes these bites can transmit disease. Fortunately, there are...

Sexual exploitation of youth can be prevented

Melissa is 15-years-old and a child of the street. She came from a stable home, middle-class, and used to do well in school. One day she found an invitation on her Facebook page to go to a LG (Little Girl) party. She was mad at her folks, and had heard that the parties were fun. Melissa went out, tried ecstasy and got drunk....

Canadian housing starts down from same time last year

Canadian housing starts are down from last year's levels and lower than March, but starts in B.C. are up, said Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The seasonally adjusted annual rate of housing starts was 179,000 units in April, according to CMHC. This is down from 184,700 units in March 2011.“Housing starts moved...

Curves keeps community healthy

Over 1500 pounds of non-perishable food was collected by Grand Forks Curves members during the month of April for donation to Boundary Community Food Bank.   “This is the ninth year Grand Forks Curves has conducted a food drive,” acknowledged Manager Sonya Wood. “This year is special because we collected more food than ever...

Introducing Golden Life Management - new operator for seniors care facilities

Despite the community anger over contracting for seniors services in Grand Forks, Golden Life Management is gearing up to break ground on their new complex care facility to be built by late 2012. Golden Life is a company based in Cranbrook that operates ten facilities across Southern B.C. and Alberta. Celeste Mullin, spokesperson...

Bruinsville scores new coach and general manager

Things are a changing in Bruinsville as the Grand Forks Border Bruins announced the hiring of Brent Batten as their new head coach and general Saturday.   In a press release posted on BorderBruins.ca, the club said that Batten comes in with over 11 years of coaching experience ranging from minor hockey all the way to the...

Captivating, authentic blues duo appearing in Grand Forks

Don’t miss out on this evening of classic blues as the Grand Forks Art Gallery hosts Chris Whiteley and Diana Braithwaite.Braithwaite and Whiteley have toured internationally including shows in the United Kingdom, North America, and Russia. Blues Revue Magazine has called Diana Braithwaite and Chris Whiteley “Masters of Old...

OP/ED: Let's vote to create a solid government

Everyone is off to the polls on Monday – at least I trust you are. The challenge for our future is to land a new government in Ottawa - one that reflects your interests at the national level. Now I’m not prepared to tell you how to vote, but how can we evaluate our candidate’s based on the media hype and backbiting advertising? ...

POLICE: Film crews cause rumours about missing man

Rumours that Owen Rooney’s body had been found are unsubstantiated, says Staff Sergeant Jim Harrison of the Boundary detachment RCMP. Early this week the Sentinel was contacted with the news that missing Australian Rooney had been found after eight months of searching. Harrison squashed these rumours that came from a re-enactment...

Tele-conferences give everyone in B.C. chance to comment on HST

On May 9 a tele-conference will give everyone a chance to talk about the harmonized sales tax (HST). Minister of Finance Kevin Falcon and Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Blair Lekstrom are inviting the public to participate in a series of regionally-based telephone town halls around the province.   The town halls...

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