

RDKB appoints a WaterSmart Ambassador to help locals save

Residents living in the Beaver Valley, Rivervale and Christina Lake will be able to significantly reduce their water consumption and conserve H20 more effectively this summer with help from the RDKB’s latest seasonal recruit, Abbe Teasdale.  Abbe, who has just finished the second year of her Civil Engineering degree at the ...

New interactive maps help communities explore and plan for climate change impacts

Interior Health has taken an innovative approach to exploring climate change by creating Community Health and Climate Change maps. “Recent events have demonstrated the importance of planning and preparing for natural disasters associated with climate change,” says Interior Health president and CEO, Susan Brown. “These new...

Boundary hiking challenge provides motivation to explore local trails

A new hiking challenge launched in the Boundary is motivating residents, as well as visitors to the area, to get outside, explore local trails, have fun and win some prizes along the way. To celebrate this year’s 125th anniversary of Grand Forks, the ‘Hike our Story’ Challenge is a collaboration between outdoor enthusiasts ...

RDKB appoints WaterSmart Ambassador to help locals save

Residents living in the Beaver Valley, Rivervale and Christina Lake will be able to significantly reduce their water consumption and conserve H20 more effectively this summer with help from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary latest seasonal recruit, Abbe Teasdale.  The RDKB made the announcement in a recent media...

Fine issued for Coastal GasLink project

The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) has issued a second administrative penalty to Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. (CGL) for non-compliance with conditions and orders related to erosion and sediment control under its environmental assessment certificate. The fine of $170,100 was issued following several inspections by...

Cougars and cameras and deer, oh my! BCWF holds 50/50 fundraiser

A fundraising initiative by the BC Wildlife Federation will give locals a chance to win big while supporting important wildlife projects. Order your tickets by midnight, Friday, June 24, 2022 for a chance to win the 50/50 Jackpot - up to $496,250. The winner will be drawn on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 1 p.m. The proceeds from...

B.C. conducts test of system, expands emergency hazards alert

A test of B.C.’s wireless alerting system will be conducted at 1:55 p.m. (Pacific time) on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, as part of the national Alert Ready system to improve public safety in the event of emergency.    This year, the Province is expanding use of the Alert Ready system in B.C. beyond tsunami warnings and Amber Alerts...

Midway Mill resumes operations after a maintenance-mandated shutdown

After a four-week long shutdown to repair and restore mill equipment, Vaagen Fibre Canada’s Midway Mill is back in operation. The shutdown started April 4, and was a way to conduct a thorough check-up on the health of all the machinery and ensure a smooth-running operation for the remainder of the year, said Plant Manager...

Join the 2nd Annual Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge

Living Lakes Canada is inviting lake enthusiasts across Canada to submit photos of their favourite lakes to the 2nd Annual Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge. This contest celebrates the beauty of Canada’s 2 million lakes while raising awareness around the climate change impacts that are threatening their incredible biodiversity....

Wild, domestic bird avian influenza in B.C.: update

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed that a small poultry flock in the Regional District of Central Kootenay has tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. B.C.’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food continues to work closely with the CFIA and B.C. poultry producers to ensure enhanced...

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