

Columbia River Treaty: Local governments collaborate on community engagement and ducation

“The Columbia River Treaty has influenced the geography, economy and social fabric of this region since it was ratified in 1964. It’s critical that the people who live in the Columbia Basin understand the treaty-past, present and future-and that there are mechanisms for local views to be considered in any potential discussion...

New Poll Results Released: Canadian Cancer Society calls on BC government to protect youth by restricting indoor tanning for those under 18

With a new poll showing strong public support for regulations which would prohibit youth under 18 from using indoor tanning equipment, the Canadian Cancer Society is calling on the BC government to introduce legislation as soon as possible in order to protect the health of BC’s youth.  “The BC government has the ability to ...

Greenwood, Midway chase recreation dollars

Like the rest of the Boundary, Greenwood and Midway submitted applications for projects they'd like to have funded through the new provincial Community Recreation Program.   Greenwood asked for $329,000 toward the $394,800 project to upgrade the city ball field. The project would include the installation of a new bocce pit,...

Assessments show little change for the Boundary

More than 67,000 property owners throughout the South Okanagan region, which includes the Boundary, can expect to receive their 2012 assessment notices in the next few days.“Most homes in the South Okanagan are remaining stable with some communities rising slightly and others decreasing slightly in value compared to last...

Christmas in Grand Forks is truly unique

While the Christmas season has passed the opportunity to celebrate the volunteers of the area cannot be missed. In their usual grand style volunteers shared their true spirit of the season at the 30th Annual Grand Forks Community Christmas Dinner on, when else, Christmas Day.   Opening the celebration, Mayor Brian Taylor...

BRAZIL: Murder of indigenous child provokes reaction

This post is part of our special coverage Indigenous Rights. The murder of an eight year old child from the Awa-Gwajá indigenous community, allegedly burnt alive [pt] by loggers in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, has caused outrage throughout the Internet, as well as disbelief by many in the face of such cruelty. The Indigenous...

US government expands definition of rape to include men

On Friday, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) expanded its long-standing definition of rape to include men, and the rape of any gender by lack of consent — as opposed to physical coercion. The revised definition should ensure all rapes are recorded in crime statistics. Valerie Jarrett, a White House...

Ministry stats show cellphone law saves lives

The law targeting drivers using cell phones appears to be working says a provincial government news release.The new law “is estimated to have saved 16 lives and brought about a 12-per-cent reduction in the number of serious injuries,” the Solicitor General’s Ministry.Changes to the Motor Vehicle Act came into affect in Feb....

RCMP: Teens caught trespassing, drunk driving

Two 18 year-old Grand Forks boys have been charged after going for a joy ride on private property while drunk.   Grand Forks RCMP were called out to a residence on Como Road in Grand Forks Sunday, Jan. 7 at 9:04 p.m. by a landowner who found two boys trespassing on his land.   The landowner has had previous problems with...

Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace offers community mediation services

Mediation is the art of resolving conflict through peaceful means; through reflection on one’s own thoughts, values and feelings toward conflict, as well as relationships with others involved in the conflict.If this sounds like a useful practice for your life, be sure to take advantage of the new Mediation Services Program ...

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