

Local MP Atamanenko slams Harper's Old Age Security review

Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior, is angered by the Harper government's recent announcement that the Conservatives are looking at making changes to the Old Age Security pension. The government claims that the present system is becoming unsustainable because of the aging demographics of Canadians. Harper's surprise...

Selkirk College National Day of Action quiet but passionate

The first National Day of Action protest for Selkirk College Grand Forks campus was a quiet but passionate one as students, faculty and community members supported the student union's campaign to reduce tuition fees, drop student debt and increase education funding, Wednesday, Feb. 1. Rather than focussing on the campaign...

Get inspired, educated, empowered: CBT hosts youth summit

Basin youth are invited to apply to attend CONNECT, a free YOUTH ACTION SUMMIT happening May 3-6 in Kimberley, BC. The theme for the event is: Connecting with Communities. Space is limited to 100 spots for participants from across the Basin. Applications are being accepted now until February 29 at cbt.org/connect. The summit...

United States: How the stimulus revived the electric car

By Michael Grabell in ProPublica. A common criticism of President Obama's $800 billion stimulus package has been that it failed to produce anything – that while the New Deal built bridges and dams, all the stimulus did was fill some potholes and create temporary jobs. Don't tell that to Annette Herrera. She was 50 when the ...

South Africa: Student anti-racism poster causes a stir

The Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO) recently released a controversial poster as part of their anti-racism campaign. The “In OUR future, you wouldn't look twice” poster shows a naked mixed-race couple embracing. The poster has caused a huge stir on Facebook, Twitter and blogs and even generated...

Shake off the winter blues at Christina Lake Winterfest

From a winter version of baseball called Sno-Pitch to skill testing games and a polar dip in the lake, Christina Lake's annual Winterfest promises to have it all. Winterfest, sponsored by the Christina Lake Community Hall Association, runs Friday, Feb. 3 and Saturday, Feb. 4. "(Come out) just to visit with friends, meet new...

Selkirk College joins forces with SFU to bring Community Economic Development certificate program the Kootenays

Selkirk College in Castlegar is pleased to partner with SFU Centre for Sustainable Community Development and the Upper Columbia Co-operative Association. This partnership will bring the highly regarded Certificate Program for Community Economic Development (CED) program to the Kootenays, starting July 2012. The SFU Certificate...

IN REVIEW: Pentaedre puts wind instruments in the spotlight

After an evening of listening to the subtle and rich tones of the wind instrument quintet Pentaedre, I don't think I could go back to seeing those instruments stuffed in the back of an orchaestra pit where they can usually be found. The Grand Forks Secondary School auditorium was nearly full with both young and young-at-heart...

Eco-Village proposed for Ponderosa area

A sustainable living development may be in the future for a property west of Christina Lake. A representative from Marga Ventures Ltd., who has chosen to remain nameless while the re-zoning application is in process, made a presentation to the Regional District Kootenay Boundary's (RDKB) monthly board meeting on Thursday,...

How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’

While many of us are working to ensure that the Occupy movement will have a lasting impact, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in the ...

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