

Abattoir will finally be a reality

After four years of hard work and advocacy funding is finally in place for the construction of a mobile abattoir for the Boundary region. The realization of years of work for volunteers committed to reviving the flagging meat production in the East Boundary area, the project’s final piece in the funding puzzle fell into place...

Midway and Greenwood score grants from the province

News on funding proposal decisions for recreation improvements across the Boundary region came through this week with the Village of Midway and the City of Greenwood coming up as winners. The Village of Midway will receive $400,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development's Community Recreation Program...

IN BRIEF: School District enters Internet age

The regular Education Board meeting for School District 51 on Tuesday, March 13 was all about the internet from online learning to their dive into the age of Facebook. Online learning program taking off in the Boundary Can't get your kid off the computer? Maybe that's okay if they're involved in the online learning pilot...

Farmers and eaters unite at Food Sovereignty Forum

Broken down barns and empty fields that haven't seen a crop in years left National Farmers' Union (NFU) vice president of policy, activist and farmer Colleen Ross wondering about the Boundary. "I've never been here and as I drove through I wondered about the food shed...I wonder what people are eating and where they get their...

CAC issues FOURTH avalanche warning for weekend

For the first weekend of spring, the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) is issuing its fourth Special Public Avalanche Warning in five weeks. The warning area includes the South Coast Inland, the North and South Columbias, the Cariboos, the Purcells, the South Rockies, the Lizard Range and the Kootenay Boundary region. This...

Budget could be short as much as $500,000 for Grand Forks

Tough decisions are due this week as Grand Forks city council considers how high they are prepared to go for this year’s budget. The basic budget is calculated at a shortfall of $100,000 and, if council agrees to fund all the requests they have received, the additional cost to the annual budget is nearly $500,000 or about 16...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Tinker Tailor Sailor Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Based on the 1974 novel by John Le Carre is the upcoming Spotlight Films feature to be screened on Tuesday, Mar. 27.  This spy thriller is set in 1973, the Cold War era, and features Gary Oldman (Dark Knight, Fifth Element) as George Smiley. An operation in Budapest goes horribly wrong, forcing the...

Local MP criticizes Fed plans to 'gut' Fisheries Act

MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) said the Conservative’s plan to make changes to the Fisheries Act in an omnibus federal budget bill next week has been exposed and the federal government needs to come clean on its agenda. A former DFO employee Otto Langer leaked documents last week that shone a light on government ...

JAPAN: Surfers, fishermen, and radiation

Journalist Lisa Katayama  and filmmaker Jason Wishnow are documenting the lives of people dealing with radiation in a post-earthquake Japan. In We Are All Radioactive, they are including 50% footage made by themselves in the areas around Fukushima Power Plant that had a meltdown after the earthquake and tsunami in March...

The economic costs of salmon farms, oil pipelines and natural gas are just as horrific as their environmental ones

Whether or not salmon farms continue operating in BC's marine waters may depend more on economic than environmental factors. Despite withering criticism concerning the ecological safety of its open net-pen operations, the salmon farming industry has doggedly continued on its corporate course. However, two unforeseen factors...

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