

Essay contest only open to youth

Are you under 29-years-old? Want to win $150? Or maybe you are a budding writer….if so check out this contest sponsored by the Youth Peer Mentors of the Baby’s Best chance program. Alcohol (wine, beer, or liquor) is the leading known preventable cause of developmental and physical birth defects. When a woman drinks alcohol ...

Budgets nearly a wrap for Grand Forks council

Over $114,000 of community funding requests are still undecided for Grand Forks city council as they approved three readings of their five year financial bylaw at their last meeting, yet the increase to general revenue is still over six percent. Council has included three community requests in the budget that was put forward...

Don't be shocked by smoke in the air - prescribed burn scheduled

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is planning a prescribed burn in the Gilpin Creek and Morrissey Creek areas later this month. An information session about the project will be held on April 12. The 25-hectare prescribed burn is part of the provincial government’s strategy to restore and maintain...

The Mir Centre for Peace presents Idealism in Exile: The Making of the West Kootenay Counterculture

During the 1960s and 1970s an influx of immigrants from the United States seeking asylum from the war in Vietnam and people from other parts of Canada stirred the cultural pot of the West Kootenay, adding a unique countercultural element to the area. Selkirk College graduate and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University...

POLICE BEAT: Deer and moose cause vehicle accidents

A deer and a moose were the cause of two seperate vehicle accidents early this week. On Sunday, April 1 at 4:30 p.m. a 60 year-old female driver from Greenwood found herself and her vehicle blocking a lane on Highway 3 around Spencer Road in Grand Forks after a group of deer jumped out on the road. She struck the deer with ...

New City Watch program paying off

A mere week after the launch of a city-wide crime watch program, City Watch, in Grand Forks and the training is already paying off. On Wednesday, March 28 the Grand Forks RCMP were called out to a break and enter in progress at a home on 16th Street in Grand Forks at 8:20 a.m. "The police immediately attended and the suspect...

The bees' needs

When the final tally is done on humanity’s many post-Industrial Revolution screw ups, it is likely that the top of the list will be: They let the bees die. Consider this: According to a 2010 UN Environmental Programme report, some 100 crop species provide 90% of food worldwide. Nearly three quarters of these crops depend for...

Salmo kicks BC butt in Earth Hour Challenge, wins $5K prize

Thousands of residents from across the Okanagan and Kootenays joined one of the largest environmental campaigns on the planet by switching off for Earth Hour 2012 on Saturday, March 31 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For the fourth consecutive year, FortisBC sponsored the Earth Hour Challenge, encouraging residents from 17...

IN REVIEW: The Grey - beautiful but forgettable

Rating: Two stars out of five Seven lone survivors of a transport plane wreckage in the desolate Arctic struggling to find safety, thwarted by wolves at every turn, seems like an excellent premise for an action-packed thriller. But The Grey, set in the stunning mountains surrounding Smithers, B.C., falls short as a tension-filled...

Teachers set to vote on action plan mid-April

With spring break coming to an end, Boundary teachers are returning to business as usual Monday, April 2, at least until a province-wide vote is taken April 17 and 18 to accept an action plan to challenge Bill 22. "In our district, phase one is over and job action is over. We're back to somewhat normal conditions," said Norm...

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