

Cities across Texas ramp up mosquito control responding to West Nile virus

Numerous cities throughout Texas, United States have begun broadening their efforts to fight mosquito populations, in an effort to reduce transmission of the sometimes-lethal West Nile virus. Officials in Dallas county have declared a public health emergency. Officials there have requested use of five planes, intended to spray...

KAST brings birds of prey to Grand Forks fall fair

Join the Kootenay Association for Science & Technology (KAST) and Raptor's Ridge Birds of Prey at this year's Grand Forks Fall Fair. Have you ever wondered exactly what a ‘raptor’ is? Or what the difference is between birds and ‘birds of prey’? For an up-close and personal educational experience with these fascinating...

Council says no to regulating marijuana

Grand Forks city council voted a resounding “no” to the idea of supporting the regulation and taxation of marijuana last night. As a follow up to previous conversations at the council table about the Stop the Violence BC campaign, started by a group of B.C. mayors and law enforcement authorities to pressure provincial and...

Airport celebrates transportation

The Grand Forks airport is rated as one of the best in the Southern Interior of B.C. so volunteers are inviting the community to celebrate with them at the airport appreciation day next Saturday. The Grand Forks Flying Association is hosting this celebration of transportation. The day’s events including: fly-in, car and bike...

GFI adds major league umpires to list of firsts for 2012 tourney

In most sports a good official is considered one who is not noticed by the spectators; who remains in the shadow of the players. The umpiring crew at the 2012 event in Grand Forks, put together by Crew Chief Steve Boutang, calls for recognition. Consider that for the first time a Major League Umpire will call balls and strikes...

Out-of-province fire crews arriving to provide assistance in B.C.

British Columbia is welcoming 79 firefighting personnel from the Yukon, Saskatchewan and Ontario to assist B.C. crews with an anticipated increase in fire activity, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister announced today. Twenty-one firefighters and one agency representative from the Yukon will arrive in...

U.S. Reform party nominates presidential candidate

Fitness model Andre Barnett of Poughkeepsie, New York won the presidential nomination of the Reform Party of the United States at its national convention in Philadelphia last weekend. Consultant Kenneth Cross was selected as his running mate. Barnett, who founded the company WiseDome, became a fitness model after suffering ...

LETTER: Vandalism by defecation more than just rude

To the Editor; The Christina Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS), along with volunteers and the Christina Lake Parks and Recreation Commission (CLPRC), recently undertook the project of updating the nature park kiosk. This kiosk is located just off the highway on Kimura Road, across from the Welcome Centre. In the past year there...

UPDATE: Second person dies from plane crash near Brenda Mines

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed that a second person — Lauren Patricia Sewell, aged 24, of Surrey — has died from injuries following the crash of a small plane near Brenda Mines Monday ( August 13). Sewell was a passenger aboard a Piper Comanche plane that went down about 30 kilometres west of Kelowna Monday afternoon....

CAO bids a fond farewell as she heads into retirement

Few jobs can hold as many satisfactions and challenges as the one Lynne Burch has held. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Grand Forks has been working for the municipality for the past 25 years, the final three as the CAO of our dynamic community. Burch is set to retire November 3. "There are a lot of...

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