

OPINION: Rural B.C. Reality vs. Urban Carbon Tax Mythology

By: Jordan Bateman, British Columbia Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation It seems the further you get away from Vancouver, the more hated the carbon tax becomes. The B.C. government has sent its Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services around the province to hear submissions on what should be included...

Grand Forks recognizes volunteers

Each year Grand Forks citizens take the time to nominate our hard-working volunteers for recognition.  Last night, at the City of Grand Forks volunteer appreciation event, six groups and individuals stepped up to the podium to be thanked for their tireless efforts that otherwise go unnoticed. Erna Gobbet, arts and culture...

Time to take your nasty chemical waste to the dump

Grand Forks City Council wants resident to think before they dump during a week-long awareness campaign about pesticides disposal, Wednesday, Oct. 17 to Wednesday, Oct. 24. “It’s very bad to dump pesticides in the garbage because you can contaminate the environment with those chemicals,” said Grand Forks councilor Gary Smith....

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Beasts of the Southern Wild

Despite a sliding reality scale (it is overlain with some well-filmed tasteful fantasy and an historical inaccuracy) and issues with the Screen Actors' Guild, Spotlight Films' next show, Beasts of the Southern Wild, has garnered a fair share of praise and awards including the Sundance Festival Grand Jury Prize and Best First...

Venezuelans re-elect Chavez with overwhelming voter turn out

The incumbent president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, has been re-elected for a fourth term as the country's president with a 54.66% share of the vote in the presidential election held Sunday. Chávez gave these remarks from the presidential palace: "Truthfully, this has been the perfect battle, a democratic battle. Venezuela...

Watershed study asks for public input

What do you need to tell the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) about the Kettle River Watershed? That’s the focus of a new survey to understand the needs, values and issues that residents and stakeholders have concerning the health of the Kettle River and the lakes, streams, and aquifers that feed it. According ...

Celebrating the success of small businesses

During the past 20 years, Community Futures Boundary has supported business development through the delivery of programs and services designed to assist new entrepreneurs, existing businesses and employees.  Their partnerships with other service providers and the business community   contributes to the provision of opportunities...

LETTER: Hunting regs cause of wolf pack's hunger

The wolf has been present in the Grand Forks area for five years so it is hardly surprising that Washington State rancher, McIrwin who ranges cows adjacent to the International Border in the Grand Forks area has serious concerns. The question that needs to be asked, and as usual is on no one’s radar screen, is rancher McIrwin...

Fall Fair looking for public support at next City Council meeting

If you enjoyed the thrill of the mini chuckwagon races, the delicious food, the free petting zoo, the toe-tapping live entertainment, fun parade or popular car show that the Grand Forks and District Fall Fair Society brings to our community every fall, you might want to be at the next Grand Forks City Council meeting. The...

'Canada's Carbon Corridor' Part 1: Connecting the dots across Northern BC

I recently returned from a whirlwind tour across northern BC, one of many legs of filming for a documentary and multi-media project I've been co-directing for the past year and a half, called Fractured Land. The people we spoke to along the way, the sights we witnessed and documented finally brought into focus the real ...

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