

A Smart Meter bombshell?

Surrey-Whiterock MLA Gordon Hogg’s office just released information that is being welcomed by the many thousands of British Columbians opposed to the forced installation of wireless smart meters. Mr. Hogg’s office reports that last Wednesday, Energy Minister Rich Coleman advised that individual home owners who continue to...

Boundary Sentinel voted top news website in the West Kootenays by our readers

The Boundary Sentinel took home two top prizes in the first annual DiGi-Tech Awards hosted by Kootenay Business Magazine. The Boundary Sentinel won silver for Best Overall Website and platinum in the News Website category. “I want to thank our readers who were behind the nomination for these awards - it is clear that ...

Volunteer recognized for 37 years of dedication

Grand Forks volunteer Michele Caskey graciously received the Queen's Diamond Jubilee award recognizing life-long dedication to the B.C. Lung Association. Caskey received the medal and certificate from mayor Brian Taylor at this week's city council meeting, Monday, Jan. 28. Her pride in being honoured with this award was obvious...

Race is on for Boundary-Similkameen NDP candidacy

Mayor Brian Taylor threw his hat into the provincial political arena this week with hopes of becoming the next MLA for the Boundary-Similkameen when the next government is formed. Taylor, who formally announced his candidacy to represent the New Democratic Party (NDP) tonight at Grand Forks city council's regular meeting, has...

Dog sleds, snowmen, baseball and luge at Christina Lake Winterfest

The Christina Lake Winterfest will be full of surprises next weekend. The Christina Lake Community Association has shaken up the usual events with a new selection of snow-related activities including a torchlight parade for the kids, snowman competition a cardboard luge race, dog sledding and an open mic night. The two-day ...

Nominations open celebrating the women of the Boundary

The idea for a day to celebrate women first arose at the turn of the last century; it is rooted in the struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men.    Initially the focus of the movement was women’s rights and the achievement of universal suffrage for women.  Today the focus is more a celebration...

Call for photos - Global TV features Christina Lake this week

Do you have some great pics of Christina Lake??  Global BC is going to highlight Christina Lake next Saturday, Feb. 1 in their Small Town BC feature on Global BC’s Saturday Morning News and you still have time to submit a cool pic.   Anyone is welcome to send photos of the Christina Lake community to this email address:...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Searching for Sugarman

In the late sixties two record producers, Dennis Coffey and Mike Theodore discovered a talented working class minstrel in a run-down bar in Detroit called “The Sewer”. They were moved by his “soulful melodies and prophetic lyrics.”  In the early 70s Sixto (Sugar Man) Rodriguez was signed to Sussex Records. He was subsequently...

SUMMING IT UP GRAND FORKS: Emissions help forests and garbage gets a break

Carbon credits, new meeting processes, garbage fees and more filled the agenda for the City of Grand Forks at their last meeting of council. Grand Forks had to make a decision on paying carbon offsets to meet their obligations to a climate action charter that they signed with the province agreeing to be carbon neutral by 2012....

New multiplex wins gold standard for environmental efficiency

The unique Habitat for Humanity Boundary multiplex is continuing to attract attention, winning a gold standard by BuiltGreen Canada for energy efficiency. This month BuiltGreen Canada awarded Habitat the gold standard after an independent energy advisor toured the new home, built by volunteers and the six men with developmental...

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