

Phoenix racers continue to hit the podium

The Phoenix Mountain Racers (PMR) took home a team gold medal at the Nancy Greene League Race held in Salmo on Sunday, Feb. 3. Phoenix sent two teams of seven racers whose combined score netted them the Gold medal. The Grand Forks ski team competed against teams from Red Mountain, Whitewater, Salmo and Summit Lake in the U8,...

COMMENT: Brazeau, Harper and Idle No More

The Brazeau affair — sad, repugnant and bizarre all at the same time — shines a light on two aspects of Canadian politics that desperately need some exposure. One is what it reveals about the state of “official” aboriginal politics and its relationship to the Canadian state. The other, the almost exclusive focus of the media,...

Happily ever after - an author's journey to success

Dani Collins has been writing in one form or another for over two decades, occasionally even for money. (She wrote for the Grand Forks Gazette in 2007-08.) Her preference is romance novels.  She found them in high school and has wanted to publish her own ever since. With many near misses along the way, she was finally offered...

Ice Fishing Derby Fundraiser

If you're wondering what to do with this long weekend why not grab your fishing gear and head down to Wilgress Lake for the 2nd Annual Wilgress Lake Ice Fishing Derby. The funds raised go to the Sunshine Valley Child Care Society and the fish go home with you. Prizes and raffles are just some of the fun things you will find....

RDKB Closing some unattended transfer stations

At the Regional District's town hall meeting last Feb. 7 the public were notified of the imminent closing of some of the 9 unattended transfer stations. This is the end result of a study begun last May into searching for solutions to the problems with them. "Doing our research we found out quite a lot of astonishing things ...

To reserve or not to reserve - a funding question for hospitals

A vote slated for later this month will determine how much hospital tax every resident in the West Kootenay Boundary regions will pay this year. At their meeting in January, the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District (WKBRHD) board asked their members to get feedback from their communities on how much they will...

LETTER: Funding gap needs to be resolved for children

I am writing this letter to raise awareness about the lack of funding for children with special needs in our communities. Did you know that Early Intervention and Supported Child Care Services have not received an increase in funding in the West Kootenay Boundary area for almost eight years? Yet the number of children with ...

Hockey goes on... because of you

Starting today, Kraft Hockey Goes On is helping Canadians share their passion for the game by recognizing important local volunteers who make hockey happen in communities across Canada.  Through the program, 25 individuals will be celebrated and $1 million will be awarded to Hockey Canada-affiliated organizations.  Nominations...

Five accused of Delhi gang rape and murder plead not guilty

Five men pleaded not guilty yesterday to the rape and murder of a 23-year-old Delhi student. They face 13 charges and the death penalty in a specially set up "fast track court". The accused, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Kumar, Ram Singh, Mukesh Singh and Akshay Thakur, signed statements in the court declaring their innocence. The five...

Team in Training benefits from generous locals

The Pharmasave team has been busy this year raising money for worthy causes. From the Relay for Life, to Mo’vember and now the Team in Training, the owners and staff at Pharmasave have given, with a little help from their friends, to fight cancer. Throughout January, Pharmasave Grand Forks held a Super Bowl Fundraiser in...

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