

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Book club, knitting and the best of 2012

Hi Grand Folks! I’ve got a lot to say, so I’m going to get right to it:   Storytime is back!   Come on down to the library for our weekly storytimes – Fridays at 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. We’ve got rhymes, songs, stories, and more.   Fabulous Fridays   Fridays are inherently somewhat fabulous - come for the board games, the Xbox ...

Liberals setting next government up for failure, say independent MLAs

Independent MLAs say the current government is putting a stranglehold on the post-election government by deliberately cutting short funding supply for operations. In a statement released this week, the four independents say that no government in the past has taken this approach in advance of an election. "We are calling on ...

Break a bylaw and face a bigger bite with new ticketing system

A new graduated ticketing system will bring about stiffer penalties for bylaw infractions including deer feeding within the City of Grand Forks. The bylaw for a new ticketing system and the details surrounding that system, including prices, will be ironed out over the next few months. Doug Allin, the city’s chief administrative...

Film fest to challenge and uplift audience this weekend

“It is easier to cope with a bad conscience than a bad reputation.” These are the words of the public relations company for Dole as the multinational launched a vicious smear and attack campaign against Fredrik Gertten for his film Bananas, chronicling the lawsuit of 12 Nicaraguan plantation workers against the company.   The...

Phoenix looking for support through RDKB survey to help get future funding

The Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS) is asking Regional District Kootenay Boundary Area D residents to think of the ski hill when filling out the Electoral Area D Survey that was recently mailed out as part of the Official Community Plan (OCP) review. The survey, which was last done in 1999 as part of the original...

OP/ED: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Part 2

In my Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) column (Part I) I gave a general description of this Inter-Parliamentary Forum held in Vladivostok, Russian.  During the meeting, resolutions were adopted that will be presented to each of the countries represented at the APPF and it is possible that these statements will wind up...

ATV Club Fun Night Coming Up

Got yourself an ATV and don’t know where all the neat trails are? Maybe you’re eager but not sure about some of the details about ATVing? Would you like to meet other people like you that like ATVs? Well your chance has come – the Grand Forks ATV Club is holding a Fun Night at Clyde’s Pub with speakers, movies, prize draws ...

IN REVIEW: DECK controversy ends with a great show

By: Rosemary Phillips, contributor A review of: DECK Or How I Instigated Then Overcame An Existential Crisis Through Home Improvement”, an absolutely brilliant and totally hilarious one-person comedic play written and performed by Lucas Myers of Nelson, BC. But first a little background. The need for community involvement...

Giving it up for Lent

This might be hard to believe, but sometimes I get a bit full of myself. Get off on some track or other and before I know it, I'm preaching, proclaiming and other wise carrying on as if I had an inside scoop on the path to salvation. Frankly it can be a tad hard to take. So I've decided to give it up. At least for Lent....

Masked fun to be had at upcoming ball

Gallery 2 is gearing up for the second annual Masquerade Ball. This great new fundraiser is scheduled at just the right time when one needs to shake off those winter doldrums and what better way to do so than by dancing the night away to the lively rock n’ roll tunes of Mad Dog 20/ 20.  The night of the Masquerade Ball falls...

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