

LETTER: Don't forget the food bank when you build your garden

Dear Boundary CommunitiesThe sun is shining, the rivers are rising and the hummingbirds have returned to the valley; if you haven't already planned your garden for this year, now is the time to do so. And as you plan that garden, please consider planting a row for the Food Bank. Lettuce or onions, beans, carrots or cucumbers,...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Don't miss the book sale or garden talk at the library

Hi Folks! Here’s what’s going on at the library: Book Sale It’s almost here – starting Thursday, April 25 at 10 am (come be a part of the lineup!), and wrapping up on Saturday, April 27 at 3 pm. We’ve got books for all ages, fiction and non-fiction, and it’s all by donation. Fabulous Friday We’ll be having another of our...

COMMENT: Shark Finning – An Immoral Practice

I recently had the opportunity to speak and offer support for Bill C-380, An Act to Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Fisheries Act, which would prohibit the importation of shark fins not attached to the rest of the shark and enshrine in legislation Canada's prohibition on finning.  This bill was introduced by my colleague,...

Residents learn to avoid financial scams at the GFCU AGM

Financial security was the topic of the hour at the Grand Forks Credit Union’s annual general meeting, April 18. The credit union had Brenda Lea Brown come and talk to credit union members about avoiding scams and protecting their money. Brown promotes the BC Securities Commission’s Be Fraud Aware/InvestRight program. She...

Alex Atamanenko addresses Genetically Modified Alfalfa at the House of Commons

New Democratic Party member of parliament (MP) Alex Atamanenko made the following speech in the House of Commons, Friday April 19th. Mr. Speaker, last week a National Day of Action was held across Canada to stop Forage Genetics International from releasing Monsanto's genetically modified Roundup Ready alfalfa. I would like ...

JLB Memorial Kettle River Run wants to raise $12,000 this year

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”― Barack Obama Once again the Midway Public Library is planning the JLB Memorial Kettle River Run; this will be our 4th annual run set for Jul. 20, to raise money...

Protect yourself, protect others, get immunized

In the last 50 years, immunization has saved more lives in Canada than any other health intervention.    April 20 to 27 isNational Immunization Awareness Week, and this year, Interior Health would like to remind you that we can all play an important role in stopping the spread of vaccine preventable diseases.  When most people...

Creating Caring Communities announces spring conference

The Creating Caring Communities Committee is pleased to announce their second annual spring conference, scheduled for May 2nd and 3rd at Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC.  The theme for this year’s conference, Keeping the Doors Open: New Beginnings for Creating Policy that Supports Marginalized Populations, features keynote...


Pomp, melodrama, tragedy, rampant idealism, and illicit love headline the next Spotlight Film presentation, A Royal Affair, showing April 23 at the Gem Theatre. Now, after the hook... the synopsis. In 1767, the British Princess Caroline (Alicia Vikander, Anna Karenina) is betrothed to the mad King Christian VII (Mikkel Boe ...

Council Clips: Plastic bags a no-no in compost bins

City of Grand Forks compost bins do not currently accept plastic bags and there is no sign of that changing in the near future. Councillors discussed composting and composting bags at their regular April 15 meeting. While they didn’t have a motion on the table to change the way compost is collected, they did want to make sure...

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