

Landmark grizzly cub release staged from Castlegar

Two male grizzly bear cubs named Blair and Terry, who were orphaned in the Kootenays in the fall of 2012, are on the road back to freedom. The cubs were orphaned in October when they were eight months old, after their mother came into conflict with humans and was killed. They were rescued and raised in captivity and are now...

Father's Day feast supports local communities

Children didn't need to cook for their dad's this year. A Father's Day feast was held across from the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC) Community Centre, Sunday June 17. The meal was hosted by the Indo-Canadian community in Grand Forks and all proceeds went to the Relay for Life and the Elk's Association's...

Historical society's annual picnic a success at Owl Mountain Ranch

Each year the Boundary Historical Society holds an annual picnic. This year it was hosted by Owl Mountain Ranch, near Christina Lake, where guests had a chance to see Rick Seymour's antique collection and hear stories about Cascade, the town that existed at that location in the late 19th century.  Watch the video for more...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Plenty of programming for the summer months

Summer is (almost) here, which means it’s time for our annual Summer Reading Club. It’s a free children’s program at the library (ages 6-12), and it runs from July 9 to August 23. This year’s theme is “Up, Up and Away!” – and will feature superheroes, space ships, birds, Star Wars, and more. We’ll have crafts, games, stories,...

UPDATED: Victim of fatal plane crash identified as Nelson resident

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man who died following an airplane crash near Crawford Bay on June 12. He was Anthony Arnold (Tony) Quibell, aged 53, of Nelson. Quibell was the pilot and sole occupant of a Cessna Skymaster 337 airplane, which took off from Nelson airport at about 1:30 p.m. on June 12...

LETTER: Disgruntled customer calls for change

One morning when I was “in town” I decided to take a few hours out of my busy schedule to wander around to admire the beautiful hanging baskets and other flower displays.  I walked around the grounds of the art gallery, city hall and Gyro Park.  I was so impressed!  In the air the “city” seemed to be saying – “Welcome! ...

A man has allegedly exposed himself to two young girls in Ruckle

Ruckle residents are raising the alarm after two girls, aged 12 and 13, made reports that a man had exposed himself to them Saturday evening. The two girls were walking around the Grand Forks subdivision when a man allegedly approached them and made lewd comments while exposing himself to them. “I was on my porch (out front)...

Garden tour expected to be fun-filled, full day event

The gallery 2 Garden Tour offers an amazing showing of gardens from Grand Forks to Greenwood, July 6th. Bron and Sons Nursery, a new addition, starts the tour in Grand Forks by sharing their wholesale enterprise. The event runs from 9 to 4 p.m. There will certainly be something original to see at each location and whether...

Marshall Lake stocked with trout -- open house to be held in Greenwood on dam issue

Fishermen are bound to catch something if they head out to Marshall Lake this weekend. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations has stocked the lake with 600 catchable fish, which range in size from 20 to 35 cm (8 to 14 inches). Typically, the ministry stocks the lake with about 2,000 fingerlings in late...

Phoenix Foundation receives grant from Newman's Own Foundation

The Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities has almost $10,000 in their coffers thanks to a grant they received from the Newman’s Own Foundation – an organization started by actor Paul Newman. Buy-Low Foods manager Fred Boyd nominated the non-profit organization for a grant and they were excited to find they had been...

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