

LETTER: Castlegar top cop pens response to resident critique

Dear Editor:   In response to a letter to the editor (see original letter below this one) dated June 13th, regarding the dispatching of first responders to medical emergency call, it was stated that, "911 was called several times with no response, and that the RCMP were called to no avail".   I would like to clear up any...

UPDATE: Ferret returned, police request assistance finding alleged ferret thief

The Castlegar RCMP are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a person of interest in a theft investigation from Total Pet in Castlegar, according to RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. "On June 15, at approximately 2:30 p.m., the female in the attached picture made a purchase at Total Pet, and after making a purchase she was ...

Trail man presumed drowned after arrest attempt becomes failed river rescue

Police efforts to arrest a man wanted on outstanding warrants quickly and tragically turned into a river search effort Wednesday afternoon in Trail, according to RCMP Cpl. Dan Moskaluk. "The wanted man jumped out of a second floor window of a residence and attempted to swim away in the nearby Columbia River, in efforts to...

Be cool and save energy this summer

With hot and sunny days ahead this summer, FortisBC PowerSense is reminding customers to be aware of the energy they use to keep their homes cool, especially during peak electricity usage hours of 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. when people come home from work or other daytime activities. “By taking simple steps to save energy, customers ...

Celgar to cut 85 jobs at Castlegar mill

Celgar managing director of operations Kevin Anderson told The Source today that 85 jobs will be cut from the mill over the next five years, most within the coming year. He said no single portion of the mill or the staff base will be targeted, with the workforce reduction taking place mill-wide, across most departments. "We...

UPDATE: Coroner releases name of Rossland man killed in bike accident

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man who died following a dirt-bike incident near Trail on July 2. He was Brian Hall, aged 59, of Rossland. Hall had gone dirt-biking by himself on July 2. When he did not return as scheduled, two friends started a search. They found him on the morning of July 3 in a...

Traditional blacksmithing gets revival in GF

Blacksmithing isn't a dead profession. In the Boundary, you can still learn this trade thanks to a course taught at the Boundary Museum. Check out the video to see what it's all about....

Beautiful weather for gallery 2's garden tour

Gallery 2 held their bi-annual tour on Saturday, with visitors seeing a wide variety of gardens in the region including the local community gardens, commercial nurseries and pristine backyards. Check out the video for a collection of images....

Lightning strike sends GF firefighters hiking uphill

Smoke could be seen on the hill across from the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC) community centre, Monday, after lightning struck a tree. When firefighters from Grand Forks Fire Rescue attended the scene they found there was no road access so they had to hike up to the fire with water packs on their backs and...

The cupcake kid has won a province-wide contest

Maxwell Nicholson, the local "cupcake kid" is known for the baked goods he sells at the Grand Fork's farmer's market. Now, he is known to an even broader audience after winning first place at Discover Trades BC's "Show Us Your Skills" video contest.  The contest accepted entries between February and May of this year, with the...

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