


With submissions by the Rossland Curling club Fire has invaded and disrupted – even ended — so many lives recently, in BC and around the world – and so far Rossland has been very fortunate, suffering only a few days of dense smoke.  We can all be grateful for that, even as we send donations […]

People impacted by fires in BC encouraged to register with Canadian Red Cross

The Canadian Red Cross is encouraging people who are impacted by fires in British Columbia to register with Red Cross online or by calling 1-800-863-6582 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT, seven days a week. Registration with the Red Cross ensures people can be contacted while away from home and can be reached with information on Red Cross services […]

BC announces expanded graduate scholarship funding to support students

Increased scholarship funding will support graduate students during their studies and prepare them for in-demand careers.  The Province is investing approximately $15 million in graduate scholarships over three years, adding $2,500 to each new graduate scholarship award. This funding will accelerate talent development and innovation, along with recruiting and retaining talent, and support graduate students’ […]

CBT management plan, Columbia River Treaty open books for input

The Columbia Basin Management Plan and the Columbia River Treaty are both being re-written and drafted into new documents, and both are up for public input. The renewal of the Columbia Basin Trust’s Basin Management Plan began earlier this year, and on Wednesday the CBT released the draft plan and opened the lines of communication […]

Environment Canada issues Special Weather Statement for BC Interior, including West Kootenay, Boundary

Environment Canada is urging the general public to be aware of their surroundings thanks to a low pressure system that is expected to bring strong, gusty winds shifting from southwest to northwest along with a risk of dry lightning and continued heat to the southern interior. The Special Weather Statement by Environment Canada...

Naval Security Team concludes training in the Southern Interior

The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) Naval Security Team (NST) recently completed training in the Kootenays, conducting Defender Boat Navigation and Tactical Training from July 25 to August 13. NST also conducted community outreach and recruitment for the Naval Experience Program.   “The purpose of the exercises was to train and...

Province urges public to prepare for extreme fire conditions

The Province is preparing for extreme fire behaviour due to potential dry lightning and strong winds. People are urged to be prepared for evacuations and follow all regional fire prohibitions. During the past week, B.C. has seen record-breaking heat accompanied by dry air masses, especially in the south of the province. The...

Nelson, RDCK lead nation in worst air quality as wildfire smoke chokes the skies

The mantle of worst air quality in the nation has settled on the regional district and Nelson, according to an international air quality technology company. The Swiss-based IQAir (https://www.iqair.com/ca/canada) has positioned the Regional District of Central Kootenay (320) and Nelson (284) — beating last year’s...

BC Wildfire Service responds to fire near Pass Creek

The BC Wildfire Service is responding to a fire in the Slocan Valley reported Tuesday afternoon. The BC Wildfire Service said fire, approximately 15 kilometers north of Castlegar near Pass Creek, is currently estimated to be 10 hectares in size. The BC Wildfire Service said ground crews, including initial attack firefighters...

Growing as Leaders -- while having a great time

Laughter, lively activities and moments of individual thought. At the 2023 Basin Youth Network Leadership Summit, these happened in abundance. The goal: to help youth absorb valuable life skills, plus express how they see the future of this region. Ninety youth from around the Basin attended the event, which took place in...

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