

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Did you know you can borrow a power metre to evaluate your appliances?

We’ve got an action-packed October, full of movies and lego and poetry. Also, our much-anticipated book sale! Here goes: Kill A What?! I bet you didn’t know this, but our library has a Power Monitor available for borrowing. It’s the Kill A Watt EZ – and the way it works is you plug it into the socket, and then you plug any ...

Dispelling bat myths...and offering programs for area youth

Are bats really blind? Do they want to suck your blood? These are some of the questions that Educators around the Columbia Basin are answering. Just in time for Halloween, dynamic and skilled Educators from the Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) are providing programs on bats for youth. “Bats are actually very shy, clean...

Selkirk College shows growth in new programs, international enrollment

Selkirk College’s 2013 fall enrolment numbers are showing an increase in the number of students. Final semester calculations will be compiled for the end of October, but the annual September headcount reveals a 3.6 per cent increase in domestic students and a 21 per cent increase in international students. “Although we are ...

Introducing Castlegar's newest deputy fire chief

Castlegar, meet your new deputy fire chief, Sam Lattanzio. Lots of people already know Lattanzio through his 16 years of volunteer service with the Castlegar Fire Department, where he worked his way up to the rank of captain, and his four years of volunteer firefighting before that with Company Five out of Montrose. Born and...

Operation Impact coming to the Koots this weekend

October 11 – 14, 2013 will mark Operation Impact, a national campaign to make Canada's roads the safest in the world. This special weekend is a police initiative designed to remind people that an essential part of the enforcement job is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways. Educating the public in safe driving ...

Police seize 3,800+ pot plants near Nakusp

Police have seized more than 3,800 pot plants after busting a commercial-sized grow op near Nakusp, according to RCMP Sgt. Darryl Little.   "In early October, the Nakusp RCMP received information that a hydro bypass was occurring at a residence in the 8900 block of Highway 6, Edgewood," Little said.   "An investigation resulted...

City ups its commitment to Fortis Energy Diet

The City of Castlegar will be providing 50 additional $25 rebates for residents who take part in FortisBC’s Kootenay Energy Diet program, according to an announcement made at Monday night's regular council meeting. “FortisBC PowerSense will provide Kootenay Energy Diet participants with a discounted energy assessment,...

COMMENT: Rebuttal to letter to the editor

I've been doing this a fairly long time, and I've read lots of writing that has made me angry over the years, but few pieces have infuriated me to the same degree as a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News last week. I believe when you put writing out into the public domain, be it as a trained journalist or as...

Selkirk enrolment numbers up

Selkirk College’s 2013 fall enrolment numbers are showing an increase in the number of students. Final semester calculations will be compiled for the end of October, but the annual September headcount reveals a 3.6-per-cent increase in domestic students and a 21-per-cent increase in international students. “Although we are ...

Selkirk College's annual scavenger hunt to ignite Nelson streets

It’s that time of year – the leaves are changing, that snow itch is getting painful and downtown Nelson once again plays host to costume-clad shenanigans in the form of the SROAMazing Race. Organized by students enrolled in the Ski Resort Operations and Management Program (SROAM) at Selkirk College, the event is now in its ...

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