

Canadian Avalanche Centre Warns Backcountry Users About New Smartphone Apps

Smartphone avalanche search applications that are marketed as avalanche rescue systems are not recommended, says the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC).  Three European-made apps are presenting themselves as economical alternatives to avalanche transceivers, the electronic device used by backcountry users to find buried companions...

Police seek witnesses to hit-and-run

Police are looking for anyone with information regarding a hit-and-run yesterday, according to RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson.   "Trail RCMP are investigating a hit-and-run vehicle incident that occurred on Highway 3B at Second Avenue in Trail on Oct. 24 at approximately 6:30 p.m.," he said. "The victim vehicle was driving east bound...

MP says C-4 an omnibus affront to our democratic process

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko is critical of the latest Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-4. The 300-page bill amends dozens of acts and contains many measures that are not budgetary.  “Once again, the Conservatives are trying to cram through major changes without sufficient study by Parliament.  What is disturbing...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A - Will the proposed Water Sustainability Act bring B.C.’s water management into the 21st Century?

Kettle River Q&A - Will the proposed Water Sustainability Act bring B.C.’s water management into the 21st Century? Last Friday the provincial government released a legislative proposal for the new Water Sustainability Act (WSA), which is a major upgrade to the century-old Water Act. The new legislation would add regulation...

Southern Interior drivers urged to adjust to fall and winter weather

Every year in October, an average of 28 people are injured or killed in crashes in the Southern Interior due to driving too fast for the conditions. However, those numbers more than triple to 97 in December as driving conditions worsen. Which is why ICBC has joined forces with police across the province to launch a speed...

COMMENT: Brendan rides his bike into the sunset - thanks to you!

So often, in news coverage, valuable opinion/editorial writing requires focussing on controversy and those issues which divide us (this has been particularly true in The Source of late), so it's a real delight when I get to write about something unreservedly wonderful. On Oct. 9, a reader named Angela Erickson posted this...


With the countdown to the Selkirk College Gala 2013 on, students in the Music & Technology Program are fine tuning their skills for a wonderful night of entertainment. The theme of this year’s annual Gala is “Five Pillars of Success” which lay the foundation of the college. One of those pillars is focus on the learner and...

COMMENT: Too big to fail

A recent headline announced that JP Morgan has reached a tentative $13-billion settlement with the US government for the role it played in creating the 2007-8 mess that left many nations, including Canada, in a prolonged state of economic dysphoria. JP Morgan was a central actor in the play that created this mess. How much ...

Take the quiz

Cozy toes and lower heating bills. Tour the FortisBC virtual Energy House and take the energy saving quiz to learn about your home’s carbon footprint and how you can reduce your energy use. You can also enter to win 1 of 5 $500 family prize packs.* Visit fortisbc.com/footprintsto enter and for full contest details....

Energy efficiency. Good for smaller footprints.

As the leaves fall and temperatures dip, you might find yourself wanting to turn on the heat to take the bite out of that chilly Fall morning. But did you know that space heating accounts for about 49 per cent or your home’s total energy use?  This winter you can minimize heat loss and save on your energy bills by following...

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