

Fundraiser for Carol Enns after horrific Washington accident leaves her blind and badly injured

Dear Editor, Carol Enns, of Rossland, was a passenger in a head on collision on June 29, 2013, which crushed her bones, and left her completely blind. Because the accident happened in Washington, and Carol is Canadian, the out-of-country medical expenses have already exceeded the limits of her insurance policy. Carol thanks...

Moving Beyond Our Obsession with Stephen Harper

Remember Brian Mulroney, the PM so many people loved to hate? We need to remember him so we can learn a lesson from that period in our political history: there is a real danger in demonizing prime ministers to the exclusion of other longer term political objectives. Mulroney’s unctuous manner, his arrogance and his shameless...

What is a postmodern Mind? Ask Rob Ford

The twentieth century was the century of the Self, according to some historians of modern social and cultural studies. Freud and the psychologists dominated discourse on human mind; rampant ideologies infected the public opinion of modern nations, and international politics, until near the end of that century. But towards its...

Remembrance Day in Grand Forks 2013

Here's a video of the Remembrance Day ceremony in Grand Forks, video thanks to Les Johnson at Whats Up Grand Forks. ...

COMMENT: Electioneering throne speech

Parliament has returned after an unnecessary prorogation with a Throne Speech that has been described as one of the worst ever and sounded more like electioneering than a parliamentary blue-print. It contained mostly old initiatives and a few consumer friendly ideas that New Democrats have been telling the government about ...

Ruckus at Clyde's

When I entered Clyde’s Halloween party I was greeted by a booming drum solo with partiers like Spiderman and his cat companions cutting up the dance floor. That was the setting for Ruckus who hail from Castlegar and came to grace Grand Forks with their classic rock ways. Armed with a female lead singer Lorette Sheriff, founder...

Another successful breastfeeding challenge in the Boundary

The peer mentors of the Baby's Best Chance program were busy in October. You may have noticed beautiful pictures of babies and breastfeeding mothers during World Breastfeeding Week of Oct. 1 to 7th.  On Saturday, October 5th at 11:00 a.m. in Gyro Park, 14 women and 15 infants participated in the 11th Quintessence Breastfeeding...

BCFB numbers on the rise earlier than usual this year

Boundary Community Food Bank (BCFB) numbers have increased in the last few months and if this trend continues it could mean more need for community support with just seven weeks until Christmas. October’s numbers reached 288 this year, compared to 189 in 2012 – a rise of almost 100 new clients. This number is closer to the ...

Bear allegedly shot with bow and arrow; put down by police

Charges have been laid against a Castlegar resident who allegedly shot a bear with a bow-and-arrow Wednesday, according to Conservation Officer Ben Beetlestone. Beetlestone said the charges were levied by way of a violation ticket. “The bear was in a semi-enclosed space - a carport - when an encounter happened,” Beetlestone...

Car accident on Columbia this afternoon; after one on Broadwater yesterday

Many people experienced a slow lunchtime commute today, after a three-vehicle accident on Columbia Avenue this afternoon. RCMP Cpl. Dan Pollock said police received a call at 12:26 p.m. indicating there was an MVI near the Flamingo Motel on the city's main thoroughfare. In an odd coincidence, the white snowy stuff was not a...

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