

RCMP ask for public info after rash of attempted car thefts

A rash of attempted car thefts have police asking the public for assistance, according to Trail RCMP Cpl. Kelly Hall. "Between the evening hours of Dec. 14 and the morning of Dec. 16, a number of vehicles in the West Trail area were damaged during theft attempts," said a press release issued by Hall. "During the incidents two...

City of Trail to buy Trail airport

Trail City Council is pleased to announce the City of Trail will be proceeding with the purchase of the Trail Regional Airport (YZZ) from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). Council determined the condition precedent, a business plan outlining the operations and economic feasibilities of the City of Trail...

A movie to warm even the coolest heart this Christmas season

Everyone knows of the movie A Christmas Carol . Now we have Frank Georges and The Truth silent film from none other than Keith Picot. For the past 20 years, Picot, the 2010 Toronto Maple Blues award winning bassist, has made Gulf Islands home. But Picot, who has played local venues in Nelson, decided to branch out into film...

COUNCIL CLIPS: Final reading for deer bylaws, vital signs, family day and national park

Grand Forks city council gave the final readings to both repeal bylaw 1884 (the outgoing deer feeding bylaw) and the bylaw 1967, which replaces it. The new bylaws will allow offenders to be ticketed for intentionally feeding deer within city limits. However, councillors Patrick O’Doherty and Michael Wirischagin opposed the ...

LETTER: Politicians need to shape up when it comes to cattle industry, GMOs

How we come to these moments in local political history… On the one hand we have a member of our honourable Grand Forks city council declaring in a public forum on the night of Dec. 5th: “If glyphosate shows up in your urine, it is certainly an indication your body is processing it adequately.” Absolutely brilliant on the...

Prince George man crowned Jeopardy winner

A Prince George man is a Jeopardy winner. Matthew Church was victorious on the long-running game show Monday night. The Queen’s School of Medicine student now had a chance of winning more than the $24,000 won Monday, during another game on Tuesday. Church, 26, earned a spot on the popular game show through an online quiz in...

UPDATED: Agreement ends FortisBC lockout of 225 electrical workers

Both sides of the FortisBC lockout will be getting an early Christmas present: an end to what has been a long and bitter parting of ways. Mike Flynn, business manager of IBEW local 213, said the 225 locked out electrical workers should be looking at an immediate return to work, with some back on the job as soon as this...

RCMP officer takes creative approach to release bobcat from Nelson basement

Following a long day working with students, the next item on the agenda for Nelson’s Leanne Kalabis was to collect her 1-1/2 year old son and head home. Did we say Kalabis was five months pregnant? However, relaxation was the last thing the Nelson mother got to experience after a wayward bobcat found its way into the basement...

Accident claims life of 61-year-old Rossland resident

A 61-year-old Rossland man has died after a single-vehicle crash yesterday afternoon. West Kootenay Traffic Services Cpl. John Ferguson said Trail RCMP got a 9-1-1 call at 2:23 p.m. on Dec. 15 regarding an accidents on Gelesz Road. “A 2013 GMC pickup driven by a 61-year-old male resident of Rossland failed to negotiate a curve...

Two Albertans killed in plane crash near Tofino

The Tofino RCMP and BC Coroners Service are currently at the site of a fatal plane crash on Vargas Island, located northwest of Tofino, BC. Shortly after 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 14, the Tofino RCMP were notified by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre that a twin engine 'Cessna 421 B' aircraft had gone missing in the area of Vargas...

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