

Councillor defends downtown

Ed. Note: This letter is in response to a variety of comments on The Source's Facebook page regarding the closure of Kootenay Savings Credit Union's downtown branch. Dear Editor: The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Oh, nope, sorry ... just a local Credit Union changing its service model. Inconvenient? Yes. End of the...

RCMP give annual report -- numbers are down

Grand Forks RCMP Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison was the first presenter at Tuesday’s committee of the whole meeting, Feb. 11. Harrison came before Grand Forks city council to give his annual report and brought the good news that crime is down in the Kootenay Boundary. “This was another successful year in policing, quite frankly. Our...

"Little Bird" author moves to Grand Forks

Grand Forks has a new resident author. Jean Lloyd moved to the area last fall and is selling her book “Little Bird” at the gallery 2, Pedallers' Place and the Christina Lake Living Arts Centre. Lloyd wrote the book when she was living in Fernie, but it is based around Trail, where she grew up. “It was really a personal thing...

Bruins struggle against Nitehawks; need to win all weekend games to qualify for playoffs

The newly renamed Jack Goddard Memorial Arena in Grand Forks was the site for the Bruins’ home ice game against the Beaver Valley Nitehawks. Even though the Bruins lost 6:2, coach Kevin Flather felt his boys outplayed the Nitehawks. The game almost started out right on target for the Bruins, as they scored the first three...

No Boundaries Film Club holds World Community Film Festival in Feburary

From Feb 21st  to the 23rd No Boundaries Film Club will be presenting the 9th annual Grand Forks screening of the World Community Film Festival  British Columbia’s largest, longest running international social issues film festival. The World Community Development Education Society, based in Courtenay, BC has been holding the...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Dallas Buyer's Club

On Tuesday Feb. 25, Spotlight Films will be presenting “Dallas Buyers Club”, directed by Montreal born Jean-Marc Valee (C.R.A.Z.Y.) from an original screenplay by Craig Borten and Melisa Wallack. It’s the mid 80’s and A.I.D.S. (H.I.V.) is making its North American debut as a disease which carries a sentence of certain death. ...

COMMENT: Too many struggling to get by in a have province

Halifax or Vancouver? Ask most folk which city boasts the higher median family income and chances are they'll say Vancouver. They couldn't be more wrong. The median income for a two-parent family living in Halifax was $87,430 in 2011. Vancouver wasn't even close at $74,510. In fact, family incomes were higher in St. John's,...

Councillor calls for more downtown incentives in wake of bank closure announcement

Castlegar city councillor and downtown business owner Florio Vassilakakis is calling for more tax-based incentives to draw businesses to the downtown core, after Kootenay Savings Credit Union announced, this week, plans to close its downtown branch. “I understand there are business decisions to make, but it's a disappointment...

Downtown Kootenay Savings branch slated for closure

Kootenay Savings Credit Union will be closing its downtown Castlegar branch in early May, but leaving ATM and night deposit services at that location, according to vice-president of Marketing Dario Cescon. Cescon said they'll be consolidating their services at their new Crossroads branch, which opened in September 2011. “We...

Castlegar Kraft Hockeyville bid nets 589 uploads

Castlegar's 17-day push to become Kraft Hockeyville 2014 is over, netting 461 nominations and 589 uploads to the Kraft website – and now the waiting begins. City councillor Dan Rye said the first round of winners will be announced on March 8 during Hockey Night in Canada, and will include eight winners from Western Canada and...

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