

No chickens in Greenwood

Greenwood city council debated having chickens within city limits during their regular March 10 meeting. After the debate, city council decided to leave things as they are, with no chickens allowed within city limits and the current bylaw still in place. Council and staff said that they are attempting to beautify the city and...

Greenwood gets new art

Greenwood has some new art that residents and visitors can see as they drive through town. The Kettle River Art Club made 11 hand-painted banners depicting pieces of the city's history including old churches, city hall, the museum, O'Hairi Park, the old smelter and a phoenix.  The banners were installed by public works earlier...

GF to offer fibre optic services to business and community organizations

The City of Grand Forks is expanding their fibre optic service to local businesses and community members. At their regular council meeting on March 10, council heard from city staff that the infrastructure is in place, and that services like spam filters, email hosting, web hosting, virtual hosting, storage and back-up are ...

COUNCIL CLIPS: New liquor license, more tubing parking and an RFL for carnival

Grand Forks city council is getting ready for some upgrades and changes this coming year. At their regular meeting March 10, they gave early budget approval to several projects. The first is to upgrade services at Dick Bartlett Park. The city plans on providing 200 amp service to the park, which will make it easier for event...

Fire centre reminds people to use caution this spring

The Southeast Fire Centre is asking the public to exercise caution while conducting any outdoor burning activities this spring. As the snow melts, dried grass from last summer gets uncovered and that material can be highly flammable. Almost all wildfires at this time of the year are caused by people and are therefore preventable. ...

Selkirk College’s Multi-Million Dollar Capital Project Receives Boost from Columbia Basin Trust

Selkirk College has kicked off the next exciting chapter in post-secondary education in the West Kootenay-Boundary by securing a $1 million donation from Columbia Basin Trust for facility and equipment upgrades to the trades-based Silver King Campus. With the generous infusion of funds, Selkirk College is now poised to move...

Mir lecture series presents Sally Armstrong

After having witnessed the horrors that conflict thrusts upon innocent victims in some of the most unstable nations of the world for more than two decades, Sally Armstrong manages to stay incredibly optimistic. One of Canada’s foremost journalists, Armstrong has covered women and girls in zones of conflict from Bosnia and...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Spring break, magic and lego club

In celebration of all things spring (and all things spring break!) we’ve got some wonderful programs going on at the library – as well as our seed library and seed catalogs, books on gardening, backroads mapbooks for exploring and adventures, and DVDs for those rainy nights that will come from time to time. Let’s get right ...

Relay for Life calls for local volunteers

The Canadian Cancer Society is calling on residents of the Boundary Country to volunteer for this year’s Relay For Life.The 2013 Relay in Boundary Country was an outstanding success that saw 156 people participating, raising $50,000 for the fight against cancer. This year’s Relay For Life will be on June 7 from 10 a.m. to 10...

GF talks future and politics

The City of Grand Forks, participated as one of three municipalities out of 26 in a pilot ‘Community Engagement’ project sponsored by the Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) on March 12 at the Omega Restaurant. Seventy-five local citizens registered to join in a lively discussion facilitated by...

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