

Museum hosts solar energy workshop

The Boundary Museum hosted a workshop on solar energy last weekend. The workshop came about thanks to the museum’s transition to off the grid energy. They were having solar panels installed and the company offered to do a workshop on solar energy. Caleb Schmidt from Sunfind Solar Products, a company based out of Red Deer,...

Students get sick from eating pot-infused edibles

Over the past week, several high school students in North Vancouver became sick from eating pot-infused edibles. The grade ten students from two separate high schools became sick enough for one of them to be taken to the hospital while the other went home.  What is becoming more common, and available to children, are food...

LETTER: Kootenay teachers want a deal, not a fight

Teachers have been forced into job action by this government for the reasons delineated in our, “Why Teachers  May Be Forced Into Job Action”,  Letter to the Editor that was published in the Rossland Telegraph, Castlegar News and Trail Times and circulated to all media outlets, DPAC, our School Board and CUPE:...

NPD provides details regarding courthouse bomb scare

A bomb scare yesterday saw both the courthouse and City Hall in Nelson evacuated, according to NPD Sgt. Paul Bayes. "On Monday, April 28 at approximately 1:30 p.m., an unknown person called the Nelson court house to report they had planted a bomb in the building. A decision was made by courthouse management to evacuate and ...

Rock Creek artists put on annual show; gallery 2 hosts appreciation day

Art across the Boundary was celebrated over the weekend as part of Arts and Culture week. In Rock Creek, Riverside Artists held their annual art show at the Rock Creek Fair Pavilion on Saturday. It is the second year they have held the event, and this time they expanded to include more fine art, says Ann Rexin, secretary of...

ATV and trail partners club hosts fun day

The Grand Forks ATV Club, along with the 17 partners of the Boundary Country Trails Agreement and other supporting partners of the Grand Forks – Christina Lake Multi Use Recreational Trails Plan invite all residents to a very special event! The Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 10 from 10 am – 5 pm.  Will be at the Motto Cross...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: GFDPL is hiring; book sale coming; wills and estate workshop

As you know, we have books here – lots and lots of books – as well as movies, magazines, storytime boxes, e-readers, and more! We also have activities at the library: author readings, storytimes, workshops, lectures, etc. And here’s something you might not know: many of these activities were suggested by members of the...

COMMENT: Kootenay ALC stats cast doubt on Bennett's claims

IntegrityBC has reviewed 660 applications to the Agricultural Land Commission filed in the Kootenay district, following comments from Bill Bennett, Minister Responsible for the Core Review, that the proposed changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve are the result of listening to his constituents. “Based on Bennett's claims ...

City of GF launches "water" webpage

One click and you’ll soon be awash with all the information you’ll need about water in Grand Forks.  A new webpage on the City of Grand Forks website will be a ‘one-stop shop’ for information on everything water-related in the community. Whether it’s information about the water meter program or water-saving tips for your...

FAR held gardening workshop in Rock Creek

The West Boundary Sustainable Food and Resources (FAR) held their second workshop event on Friday at Freeman's Farm Supply in Rock Creek. According to FAR president Vivien Browne, the event was busy, despite the rain, with people coming and going all day.   The main goal of the workshop was to share information about gardening...

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