

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Newspapers and tradition

Call me old-fashioned - but I still love newspapers. I like newspapers, and I like traditional music. Lucky for me, this month we're showing a wonderful NFB documentary on a thriving newspaper in small-town Ontario, and we've got the spectacularly talented Vazzy duo returning yet again to share some tunes from Acadia, Quebec...

South Slocan resident saves elderly Glade fisherman from drowning

Local RCMP are hailing a South Slocan resident as a hero after saving an elderly man from drowning in the Slocan Pools area of the Kootenay River near Shoreacres Tuesday (June 10) morning. Chris O'Gorman was in the right place at the right time to save the 84-year-old Glade resident after the boat he was fishing in sank after...

COMMENT: Pensions are not only a seniors’ problem – Part 1

In our discussions about affordability, the topic of pensions is immediately brought forward. My office receives letters, emails and phone calls every day from people worried about their retirement security and about their children’s retirement future. They are not alone. Despite the fact that Canada is one of the richest...

Reality is not what it used to be

“When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to THINK your life into existence.” -- Rhonda Byrne, author, The Secret “We create reality with our minds. Consciousness makes the reality you live in. Thoughts are actions, and cause consequences in the material...

Statement from Tom Feeney's family

My name is Colin Lohrer (Son-in-law) I am here today – on behalf of my family - to support the RCMP’s efforts in determining who is responsible for this unthinkable crime. Dad was born and raised in Rossland. He was a father, grandfather and great grandfather who loved to hunt and fish and enjoy the outdoors. In his younger...

Police seek help in Rossland homicide

The following is a press release via Superintendent Tim Head, the acting Southeast District Officer for the BC RCMP: “We are here today to seek the public’s assistance in the on-going and active homicide investigation into the death of a Rossland man. On Thursday June 5th at approximately 11 a.m. the Trail and...

Police prepare press conference in face of Rossland homicide

BC RCMP will be holding a news conference on Monday June 9, 2014 to assist with the active and ongoing homicide investigation into the June 5 discovery of a body at a residence on Feeney Road near Rossland, B.C. Representatives from the Southeast District RCMP and the family of the victim will be present to provide an update...

Fire destroys bedroom in West Trail Saturday

A bedroom was consumed by fire in a house on Topping Street in West Trail this morning. “At this 2114 Topping Street, it’s a rental unit with a unit on the bottom and a unit on the top. Nobody is occupying the bottom floor but there are two occupants on the top floor,” said Terry Martin, Regional Fire Chief. “They had left ...

Dam City Rollers face off against Rossland/Trail today after big win against Nelson last weekend

Dam City Rollers continue their undefeated season with a win against the Killjoys after a May 31 bout. Dam City Rollers (Castlegar team) scored 358 against the Killjoys (Nelson team), who scored 276 during the game in the Trail arena. “We expected that it was going to be a challenge,” said Dam City Rollers team captain Kitty...

Safe drinking water on tap for Robson?

Residents of Robson have been on a boil water notice since 1997, but now, finally, drinkable tap water might finally become a reality once more. “In British Columbia, all water that is consumed by the public that is surface water, (our water is surface water from Pass Creek) by law has to be treated,” said Anne White, trustee...

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