

Make a SPLASH at Millennium Ponds grand opening!

Woo hoo! It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for – the Millennium Park Natural Swimming Ponds grand opening celebration is slated for Aug. 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a massive SPLASH party to which everyone is invited. The $1.6-million project has been a couple of years in the making (sped somewhat by $400,000 from the ...

Impaired driver slams into Trail home

The residents of a home on Riverside Avenue got a nasty jolt Saturday night when an impaired driver drove into their house/carport, according to RCMP Cpl. Kelly Hall. "On July 5 at approximately 11:15 p.m., a Trail and Greater District RCMP officer was parked in the downtown Trail area when he observed a pick up truck travelling...

Osprey chick gets foster mom; rescue operation gets spotlight

The story continues about a baby osprey chick who garnered national attention after a live webcast allowed people to watch, in real time, the saga of his family unfold. The Nelson Hydro webcam showed the Osprey family first lose two chicks, then the father, when he was electrocuted by a power line. Distressed viewers then saw...

UPDATED: Missing Harrop teen, Johnathan Hartman, found

Nelson RCMP report a happy ending in the case of the missing Harrop teen. RCMP issued the release seeking the public's assistance in locating 14-year-old Johnathan Hartman, who left his residence in Harrop on Sunday morning after an argument. RCMP reported that Hartman was located at approximately 4:30 p.m. Wednesday and...

In the wake of Supreme decision on Aboriginal Title, BC land is better off in the hands of its First Nations

Matter is Spirit moving slow enough to be known with the five physical senses. White man builds huge fire, stands way back. Indian man builds small fire, stands close. When the White Men came, we welcomed them as guests. We treat guests with generous hospitality, knowing they are not here to stay. We are still waiting for...

B.C.'s plan for protecting vulnerable species

British Columbia’s five-year plan for protecting species at risk was released today by Environment Minister Mary Polak and Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson. “Our new plan provides a clear and certain path forward for B.C. to show leadership in conservation of species at risk,” said Polak....

Breaking ground for the new correctional facility in Oliver

With the help of an excavator, representatives from the Province, Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB), local community and construction partners donned hard hats and officially broke ground today to celebrate the construction of the Okanagan Correctional Centre (OCC). The OCC project will act as a catalyst for the local economy and...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Cool off at the library or join Storytime at the lake

Although our Summer Reading Club began yesterday, it’s still not too late to sign up! And as a way to accommodate those of you who don’t want to commit to all seven weeks, we’ll be leaving our Fridays open as a drop-in. Bring your 6-12 year olds by any Friday from July 8 to August 22, either from 10 - 12 or from 1 – 3 pm....

Local policing gets financial boost

Grand Forks, Greenwood, Midway and the Kootenay-Boundary Regional District are receiving over $800,000 from the Strategic Community Investment Fund to invest in local policing and community safety, services and projects, MLA Linda Larson has announced.  It is part of almost $74 million being invested through the Fund into...

COMMENT: Palliative Care

Canada has an aging population and, as a result, will face many challenges. While we have been engaged with some of the items affected at the federal level, there is a vacuum for government initiatives related to end of life care, which is known as palliative care. To be clear, a person doesn’t have to be elderly to benefit...

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