Smoke advisory for the Boundary
The Ministry of Environment has issued a Smoky Skies Advisory for the entire Thompson, Fraser Canyon, Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola, Boundary and Shuswap areas because of forest fire smoke that is affecting the area. Smoke concentrations will vary widely as winds, fire behaviour and temperatures change. Avoid strenuous...
Smoke advisory for the Boundary
The Ministry of Environment has issued a Smoky Skies Advisory for the entire Thompson, Fraser Canyon, Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola, Boundary and Shuswap areas because of forest fire smoke that is affecting the area. Smoke concentrations will vary widely as winds, fire behaviour and temperatures change. Avoid strenuous...
Wildfire funneling smoke into valley
Air tankers are responding to a wildfire discovered this morning about 8.5 km south of Silverton and 1.5 km east of Highway 6, according to Southeast Fire Centre information officer Jordan Turner. He said the fire is about 1.5 hectares and is burning at Rank 4 (Rank 4 means “highly vigorous burn” - Rank 1 being a smoldering...
Police say young man's death was 'entirely preventable'
Despite the efforts of public and police to avert an accident, a teenaged boy was killed after trying to cross Highway 1 near Hope. At approximately 11 p.m. on July 15, Hope RCMP received a complaint of three persons walking westbound along Highway 3 (Old Hope Princeton Way). Extensive patrols were made, but no pedestrians ...
Hikers discover body of local man
Police are not suspecting foul play after hikers discovered the body of a local man near Fruitvale this weekend, according to RCMP Cpl. Kelly Hall. "On July 12, Trail and Greater District RCMP were contacted after a group of hikers noted what they believed to be a human body in the water at Beaver Falls near Fruitvale," Hall...
Alberta man dies in crash near New Denver
A 50-year-old Alberta man has died after colliding with a pick-up truck near New Denver Monday morning (9:20 a.m.), according to RCMP Sgt. John Ferguson. "The Slocan Detachment and the West Kootenay Traffic Services attended a two vehicle motor vehicle fatal collision on Hwy 31A approximately 10 kilometers east of New Denver,"...
GW Founder's Day quadruples it's size
Greenwood celebrated 117 years by pulling out the stops at their annual celebration, Saturday. The day started with a pancake breakfast and parade, which is usual for the event, but it was expanded on many fronts. They had 60 vendors set up around the fair, which was held at O'Hairi Park in downtown Greenwood. The number, ...
Nature Trust needs to take more responsibility
On July 2nd there was a field trip on Nature Trust property. The major objective of the field trip was to encourage Nature Trust to take ownership of their 475 acres and start the process of mitigating the significant damage caused by the cow which is contrary to the 99 year lease agreement signed with the Fish & Wildlife...
CL's annual Homecoming celebration grows every year
It’s grown again. The 5th annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival has gone beyond expectations with a large line up of vendors and performances at the July 11th event. According to organizer Cindy Alblas, they had over 80 vendors at the event plus 14 performances. This year, the event expanded into the evening with...
Heatwave continues through the week
Like a "Heat wave . . .. Martha and the Vandellas made the song popular before Linda Ronstadt covered it in 1975. Now most of BC, including much of the West Kootenay region, is getting a first hand feel of the lyrics as a heat wave, partly due to warm air from the desert southwest of the United States, pushes into the British...