

UPDATED: Slocan Park Wildfire slightly smaller than originally thought — 20 percent contained

Fire crews completed the second half of a controlled burn on the Slocan Park Wildfire Wednesday said Southeast Fire Centre officials. The second part of this controlled burn focued on the south flank. Fire officials said the wildfire is 20 percent contained. Officials at the Southeast Fire Centre said new data reveals the...

OP/ED: On Robin Williams, mental health, and us

I’ve reached that truly crappy age when it seems like every day brings with it the death of another childhood icon – but that’s not so bad for me, as I’ve never been one to follow Hollywood buzz. Until recently, I thought a Kardashian was a fictional Star Trek species (and I remain unconvinced that I was far off base on that)....

COMMENT: Crony capitalism alive and well at Mount Polley

This weekend, the Vancouver Sun reported that Alberta billionaire Murray Edwards helped organize a $1 million fundraiser for the B.C. Liberal party at the Calgary Petroleum Club last year. Rapidly becoming a household name in B.C., Edwards of course is the controlling shareholder of Imperial Metals, which operates the Mount...

No injuries in Bombi school bus crash

A school bus crash on Bombi Summit just after 1 p.m. yesterday afternoon proved nowhere near as dire as some onlookers supposed. Castlegar RCMP Const. Ron George said the school bus was, in fact, a decommissioned bus that had been converted into a makeshift RV with only one person inside at the time of the accident. “It went...

UPDATED: Crews continue to battle Slocan Park wildfire; evacuation alert remains

Unit crews and air support continue to battle the Slocan Park wildfire located approximately two kilometers north of Highway 6 Southeast Fire Officials said Monday. "Unit crews establish hose-lay on 3/4 of the west flank," the Southeast Fire Officials said. "They are continuing to work on the east and south flanks of the fire....

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Grown up - or out of touch?

I had an interaction with a reader in the past week or so, and I went back and read through it, and realized my whole argument boiled down to, “You hurt my feelings.” Are you KIDDING me?!?! How unprofessional. Way to have an appropriately thick skin. Although I maintain his response to me was unfair and dehumanized me, holy...

Ponderosa festival ready for second year of music

All across BC there is outdoor adventure, stunning scenery and amazing communities awaiting discovery. Now, take one of those small communities and add a riverside campground, arts and tonnes of music. This is the making of one incredible summer weekend. Nestled on the banks of the Kettle River sits the small farming community...

Smoky sky advisory issued for region as fires blaze on

Forest fire smoke in the area has caused the Ministry of Environment to issue a smoky skies advisory for Thompson, Shuswap, Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola, Boundary and Fraser Canyon regions. According to the Ministry, smoke concentrations can vary depending on the winds, fire behaviour and temperature fluctuations. They...

gallery 2 cultural tour starting this weekend

Taking place August 9 & 10, from 10 am - 5 pm, the Columbia Basin Culture Tour allows you to explore artists' studios, museums, art galleries and heritage sites during this free, self-guided event. Travel to studios and archives that aren't normally open, see demonstrations, new exhibitions and collections or meet people...

LETTER: Gov't to blame for Mount Polley disaster

Dear Editor,I read with horror the article Mount Polley Disaster published in the The Boundary Sentinel on August 6, 2014.I have been following the news on the Fraser River Imperial Mines tailing pond contamination. I see that the government treated this toxic tailings pond with the same the extreme carelessness I have observed...

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