

U-Pass system to be investigated for implementation for region’s students

The region’s transit providers might not be passing on the U-Pass system. Partners in the West Kootenay Transit System — which includes Nelson, Castlegar and the regional district — are considering implementing the U-Pass system, which gives post-secondary students unlimited access to transit for a heavily discounted rate. U-Pass BC — a program pass that […]

Taking it to the heat: Fire to Food project proposed for regional district

A pilot project to utilize biochar technology in a regional context and help the agricultural industry is being put forward by Wildsight. The Fire to Food project would be a circular economy pilot to produce biochar — a specific type of charcoal that is made by pyrolysis, which is when an organic matter like wood […]

Freezing rain, ice pellets expected for Boundary, West Kootenay, Kootenay Lake — Environment Canada

Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement for Boundary, West Kootenay and Kootenay Lake regions beginning late Saturday night, and into Sunday morning. Environment Canada said local freezing rain and ice pellets are expected, which will impact Highway 3  — Hope to Princeton via Allison Pass, Paulson Summit to Kootenay Pass and Coquihalla Highway  […]

Taking the Step: Move made toward zero carbon building code in Nelson

Nelson will be taking steps to make its way to the bottom next spring. As of May 1, 2024 the City will be implementing the B.C. Zero Carbon Step Code, the maximum annual amount of greenhouse gas emissions that each new building is allowed to emit. Adopting the BC Zero Carbon Step Code — and […]

Sights set on slashing cost of cannabis business licences in city

The City is moving to level the playing field for some Nelson businesses. A significant reduction will be coming to the business licence fee that cannabis retail operations pay to the City of Nelson, after a request from cannabis retailers was made in 2022 to reduce license fees for “retail: recreational cannabis” was given third […]

Highly potent novel synthetic opioid emerges in region’s drug supply

The new secret killer has made its presence known in Nelson. A new potent synthetic opioid — isotonitazene — is being abused for its opioidergic effects and has infiltrated the region’s controlled substance drug supply, an Interior Health drug advisory issued Nov. 15 warned. Fake dilaudid tablets containing isotonitazene (five per cent) contain a very […]

Case for establishing dialysis service in Nelson adds a major voice

The campaign for the establishment of a dialysis service for Nelson now has the City of Nelson in its corner. On Nov. 7 City council agreed to send a letter to the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District Board District (WKBRHD) — with copies to Interior Health Authority and Ministry of Health — explaining the […]

Sights set on hike to urban power rates to bolster reserves, combat rising cost of power

A 5.2 per cent hike in urban hydro rates will electrify Nelsonites in the new year as the city-owned utility looks to recharge its capital reserves for the next several years. Nelson Hydro will be implementing a 5.2 per cent annual general rate increase from the urban service area — approved in third reading by […]

Rural rate rise sought by city-owned utility

A new rural rate increase has been proposed by Nelson Hydro that, if approved, would see the city-owned utility rural rates rise over six per cent, and a cumulative 16 per cent for the last two years. Nelson Hydro presented its 2024 budget to City council on Nov. 7 at its regular meeting and proposed […]

Provincial report warns of severe water repellency in West Kokanee Creek wildfire wake

A debris flow or flood could impact the land contained and below the summer’s West Kokanee Creek wildfire two years down the road, a Ministry of Forests report has revealed. Despite the moderate soil burn severity due to the early August wildfire, severe water repellency was observed throughout the burn area, the report claimed, foretelling […]

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