

Firearm incident sees downtown neighbourhood evacuated

On Feb.9, at approximately 1:45 p.m., Castlegar RCMP responded to a disturbance in the 1000 block of 7th Avenue in Castlegar. As firearms were involved in the incident, the SED Containment Team and Emergency Response Team were activated and attended the scene.  The immediate area was evacuated as a public safety precaution.  After...

Nelson to join #ShutDownCanada demonstration Friday at High Noon

Vancouver is planning to join the cause. So are Calgary, Edmonton, Fredericton and Kamloops. Not lost in the #ShutDownCanada demonstration this week is the Heritage City where people are planning to march outside city halls, shut down highways, occupy high traffic areas. “We're doing this local action because Nelson is part...


The West Kootenay Camera Club is celebrating a special year, marking the 25th Anniversary of its Annual Photo Show. The Photo Show will take place from June 5-13 at the Kootenay Gallery in Castlegar, coinciding with the Castlegar SunFest.   In celebration of its 25th Anniversary, the Club will host a Youth competition. The ...

MP promotes affordable child care plan

NDP leader Tom Mulcair has recently launched a plan for affordable childcare in Canada.  It is no secret that Quebec has the most affordable childcare in the country, and Tom, as a former Quebec cabinet minister, witnessed the success affordable childcare played in helping families and boosting the economy of the province. ...

Hugh Keenleyside improvement project continues

BC Hydro has offered an update on the Hugh L. Keenleyside Spillway Gates Reliability Upgrade Project as work on the project continues to ensure the long-term reliability of the spillway gates. Project overview The Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam project will complete a combination of replacement, refurbishment, and addition of new ...

Selkirk success story - adult ed empowers

When Daniel Leslie was 31, he was at the pinnacle of what it means to carve out an outdoor lover’s life. In the summer, Leslie fought forest fires and in the winter he worked as a ski patroller/first aid attendant/avalanche technician. Physically demanding work, but for those who thirst for fresh air and adventure it was the...

PODCAST: Rossland company sets out to make the world a better place with new business

The You can do that here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker of AZcreative for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. The podcast is a weekly series of 30 minute conversations with some of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs in the Kootenays. They say the best way to learn is to learn from the ...

Three men sent to hospital after avalanche

Three men are being taken to hospital after they were caught in an avalanche on Tuesday afternoon.   On Feb. 3, at 2 p.m., the Golden RCMP received a report of an avalanche near the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Three men in their early 20s, all from Saskatchewan, were apparently skiing out-of-bounds near Terminator 2 when...

Coroner releases name of deceased in officer-involved fatal shooting

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a man who died following a police shooting in Castlegar on Jan. 29. The man was Waylon Jesse Edey, aged 39, of Yahk. Edey was shot following an encounter with RCMP officers which occurred during the evening of Jan. 29, near the east end of the Kinnaird Bridge on Highway ...

UPDATED: IIO leaves Castlegar, findings not yet available

  The Independent Investigations Office has completed the Castlegar portion of its investigation and its personnel have left the city and returned to their Surrey head office, but IIO representatives are not in a position yet to say when, exactly, the inquiry will be concluded and findings released. This, after an officer-involved...

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