Weekly newsletter from MLA/Minister Conroy
This week, I returned to the legislature for a new session of presenting, debating, and passing legislation alongside my colleagues. In our first week, we presented our Throne Speech and 2024 Budget, sharing some of the priorities of our government for the year ahead. We know that people are facing challenges, like global inflation and high interest rates. […]
KAAP's Adorable Adoptables of the Week - Special H Kitties
Applications are required prior to meeting cats in foster because they are in our private homes in Nelson. Forms are found under “adopt” at kaap.ca . We may consider a reduced adoption fee for those who can be adopted together. **These cats need to be kept indoors either permanently, or for at least probably a […]
Going public: recording of RDCK meetings set to come online in March
The regional district board is looking to go where no board has gone before. The board of directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has directed its staff to record the regular open board meetings — beginning in March 2024 — using the WebEx tool “until such time as other technology can be […]
Provincial Government announces Budget 2024
Budget 2024 takes on the big challenges people are facing today by helping with everyday costs, delivering more homes faster, strengthening health care and services, and building a stronger, cleaner economy. “Wherever we live – city, town, rural or First Nations community – we all want a decent, affordable home, quality health care, help when […]
Controversial Climate Action Plan process comments collected over draft report: RDCK
The people have spoken and the regional district has noted it. Noted it 3,518 times, which is the number of comments the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) received on its draft Climate Action Plan during the seven-month public engagement process, which concluded in October, 2023. The process allowed the RDCK to clear up some […]
COLUMN: Good journalism and a healthy society
As someone who has enjoyed a long media career, including 44 years hosting CBC TV’s The Nature of Things, I understand how important robust media is to a thriving democracy. An informed public makes better decisions about everything from health care to voting. Some, unfortunately, see an informed public as a threat to their agendas. […]
National coordination team is helping advance multiple extortions investigations throughout Canada
A nation-wide alliance of various police departments across Canada is in place to help coordinate and advance a series of threat/extortion investigations underway. The RCMP National Coordination and Support Team (NCST) has been established and is working with police departments in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and outside of Canada to address a number of similar […]
Interior Health CEO mourns loss of Board Chair Dr. Doug Cochrane
In a statement Tuesday, president and CEO Susan Brown said Interior Health is mourning the loss of Interior Health Board Chair Dr. Doug Cochrane. Brown said as Chair of Interior Health Board of Directors, Dr. Cochrane demonstrated a deep commitment to continuous improvement of patient care, quality and safety knowing it would lead to improved […]
New service model sought for paused recreation service in Area E
Call it a work in progress. For the Recreation Commission No. 10 service in the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s (RDCK) Area E, the funding has been paused as of Jan. 1. The service is no longer responsible for providing recreation grant funds to local groups running recreational programs. Instead, a new community society is […]
Castlegar RCMP investigating multiple thefts
The Castlegar RCMP are investigating multiple theft from vehicles, two break and enters to residences, and a theft of a vehicle which occurred over the February 17th, 2024 weekend. RCMP received complaints earlier Sunday morning after property owners discovered property missing and vehicles rummaged through. As of this date it appears the incidents are related […]