

BC ELECTION 2017: Vonnie Lavers (Green Party)

Election Day (May 9th) is quickly approaching and many voters are still wondering how to cast their ballots. The Boundary Sentinel asked each candidate in the Boundary-Similkameen riding the same five questions. Check here for the answers from Green Party candidate Vonnie Lavers. 1. How well do you think the provincial...

BC ELECTION 2017: Colleen Ross (NDP)

Election Day (May 9th) is quickly approaching and many voters are still wondering how to cast their ballots. The Boundary Sentinel asked each candidate in the Boundary-Similkameen riding the same five questions. Check here for the answers from NDP candidate Colleen Ross. 1. How well do you think the provincial government has...

April — wettest since 1996

There wasn’t much of that massive, blazing ball of heat in the sky the past month as the cool, wet weather pattern of March continued through into April said Ron Lakeman of the Southeast Fire Centre in Castlegar. Lakeman said, during his monthly weather synopsis that measureable rain was recorded 22 of the possible 30 days ...

Selkirk College Releases 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book

Five decades in the making, a beautiful coffee table book on the history of inspiring post-secondary education in the West Kootenay and Boundary has been released to help mark Selkirk College’s 50th Anniversary. Journeys Taken: Selkirk College - The First 50 Yearsstarts at the beginning and chronicles the rich history of...

BC ELECTION 2017: Dr. Peter Entwistle (Independent)

Election Day (May 9th) is quickly approaching and many voters are still wondering how to cast their ballots. The Boundary Sentinel asked each candidate in the Boundary-Similkameen riding the same five questions. Check here for the answers from Independent candidate Dr. Peter Entwistle. 1. How well do you think the provincial...

Advance polling dates in Boundary region

Residents of the province go to the polls for the BC Provincial Election Tuesday, May 9. However, anyone unable to make voting day can mark their ballots during advance polling that began this past weekend, including Grand Forks. In the Boundary region, advance polling is being held again at the Grand Forks Seniors Hall Friday...

Riches beyond any party's wildest dreams

Earlier this month the 2016 donation numbers for B.C.'s political parties were filed with Elections B.C. and, not unexpectedly, it was another bumper crop for the B.C. Liberals.  The party raised $13.1 million, more than any other provincial party in Canada and $4.8 million more than the federal NDP and Green party combined. ...

Six homes remain on Evacuation Alert near Zwicky Road Landslide

In a media release Friday, the Regional District of Central Kootenay has rescinding the Evacuation Order for six homes below the Zwicky Road Landslide. However, the RDCK said the six homes will remain on Evacuation Alert. “The Evacuation Alert on the surrounding 41 homes has been rescinded,” the release said. “Residents are...

Dubois commits to play for Smokies

The Trail Smoke Eaters are excited to announce the commitment of Cariboo Cougars forward, Daine Dubois for the 2017/18 season. The product of Williams Lake tied for the BC Major Midget scoring title, posting 27 goals and 40 assists this past season. Dubois also led his team in playoff scoring, registering 14 points as the...

Poll indicates children's health may become platform issue in provincial election

Today, BC Healthy Living Alliance is releasing results from their Health Priorities Survey which shows that 80% of residents in the Interior are very concerned about the impact of physical activity on children’s health – followed by nutrition (64%) and poverty (60%). Scott McDonald, Chair of the BC Healthy Living Alliance, ...

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