

2017 BC Provincial Election — The Goldilocks edition

It was a pretty safe bet going into election night that regardless of how the vote broke that there were four words from Premier Christy Clark's 2013 victory speech which would be left unsaid this year: “Well, that was easy.” Something else telling between Clark's two speeches? In 2013, it fell on then-NDP leader Adrian Dix...

Castlegar Air Cadets reach for the skies

On May 13, the cadets of 581 City of Castlegar Air Cadet squadron went flying from the West Kootenay Regional Airport. The cadets were flown in the bright blue and yellow Cessna 182s that are usually used for towing the Air Cadet Glider aircraft. The cadets explored the Castlegar area from the air and were taught the basics...

Robson Fire Department Wins Education Award

The Robson Volunteer Fire Department (RVFD) has received the Al Lonneberg Fire Safety Public Education Award – an honour bestowed annually to the volunteer fire department that initiates the greatest effort in its community to fight fires pre-ignition. The Department received the award on the weekend of April 28thwhen hundreds...

Slow down this Victoria Day long weekend

As B.C. roads are expected to be busy with the unofficial start of the summer road trip season this May long weekend, ICBC and police are asking drivers to slow down and maintain a safe speed now and throughout summer. Crashes and injuries increase on long weekends because of many factors, including unsafe speed as people may...

Elections BC approves two district electoral officer recounts

Elections BC said in a media release it has approved two district electoral officer recounts as part of the final count in the ridings of Courtenay-Comox and Vancouver-False Creek, which will take place May 22 to 24. Elections BC said under the Election Act, candidates or their official agents can request a recount of some ...

UPDATED: Highway 3 near Paulson Bridge open to traffic

Emcon Services Inc., maintenance contractor for the Paulson pass continues to monitor a section of Highway 3 washed out Sunday. The parts of the shoulder and road were washed away leaving travelers using the road to deal with single-alternating traffic control. The TranBC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastruture website...

Logging proposal gets frosty response in Ymir

Residents of Ymir say they’re alarmed by plans of BC Timber Sales to allow logging in their community watershed. They’re concerned that their tiny community water system could be damaged by forestry operations in the area. “It’s our only source of drinking, consumable and firefighting water,” says Jay Leus, a resident of Ymir...

RDKB cancels States of Local Emergency — snowpack remains above seasonal average

The Boundary region appears to have dodge a flooding bullet, for now, prompting the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Emergency Operations Centre to cancel the States of Local Emergency. “River and stream levels in the Boundary forecasts downgraded significantly (Saturday) morning . . ..River levels expected to be well...

Boundary waterways to reach 100-year flood line

Last week Boundary residents were surprised by overflowing waterways that spilled into low-lying areas like Grand Forks city park and Johnstone Flats. But Alan Stanley, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) Director of Environmental Services said the worst is not over.  “The snow pack is way above normal for this...

RDKB issues EVACUATION ALERT for Manly Meadows Area

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary issued an Evacuation Alert for Manly Meadows Area. The RDKB said the alert is being issued due to the potential for a second spike in flooding from the Kettle River in the Manly Meadows Area. "Predictions are that the water level could exceed those experienced on Saturday, May 6," ...

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