

Bombi fire quickly extinguished

A vehicular fire up the Bombi, which frightened many residents, was quickly extinguished by the Volunteer Ootischenia Fire Department. OFD Chief George Hamm said the car was fully involved upon arrival of fire crews, with, `fire rolling down the hill because of the oil leak,`and a section of forest about 10 feet by 8 feet...

RDCK encourages residents following provincial state of emergency

After Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and Minister responsible for Emergency Management BC, announced a provincial state of emergency Friday, the Regional District of Central Kootenay has sent out its own release asking the public to be ready in case wildfires strike the region. In a release Saturday,...

Campfires now banned in our region

 Effective at noon Pacific time on Friday, July 7, 2017, campfires are prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. This campfire ban will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. The Southeast Fire Centre is currently experiencing dry conditions...

US police find body of Trail man killed in watercraft mishap

On June 28, 2017 the body of Jeffrey David Bauder,  aged 28 yrs, was located South of Northport Washington USA in the Columbia River.  Bauder went missing and was presumed drowned after a water craft accident in the Columbia River in Trail on May 9, 2017. United States Forensic Examiners on this date positively identified...

Summer fun comes with caution

Combine beautiful weather, vacation time and our great outdoors and you’ve got the ingredients for a lot of people having fun on and around the water.  Add this year’s fast-flowing, high water levels, poor judgement, lack of preparation and alcohol and you’ve got the recipe for a tragedy.  “It can happen so quickly,” says...

Economic development and fire suppression impetus for airport upgrades

The city is hoping to land a high-flying provincial grant and improve fire suppression at the Grand Forks Airport, as well as help support development in that end of the city. City council endorsed a staff move to pursue a grant application — with an estimated capital cost upgrade worth $2.48 million — under the 2017 Gas Tax...

Opinion: If Saskatchewan Can Build a Geothermal Plant, Why Can't BC?

By Carol Linnett.  This article is from DeSmog Canada. While news of Saskatchewan’s plan for a small geothermal power plant was met with excitement by renewable energy advocates,  experts say British Columbia is far better situated to capitalize on the technology yet has failed to do so. “It should be a little bit of a shock...

Sun rises on solar panel partnership on city-owned buildings

The city is switched on to the idea of a solar panel project partnership on city buildings with a private company. City council confirmed that it was on board with partnership funding for the installation of the renewable solar energy projects in Grand Forks — an idea which requires a matching city contribution of $25,000. ...

Grand Forks Relay for Life takes year off

Relay For Life has been a staple event in the Grand Forks area for over a decade and some residents may wonder why there wasn’t one planned for this year. The decision not to hold the event was made after careful consideration and debate. Notwithstanding the efforts of passionate volunteers and dedicated participants that...

Obituary: Christine Archibald

Christine Alison Archibald was born July 22, 1986, in Trail, BC.  She died in London, England, on June 3, 2017.  Chrissy was predeceased by her grandfather, Gerry Archibald but is survived by her fiancé, Tyler Ferguson; her parents, Barbara and Gregory; her sisters, Kathryn (Sean) and Caroline (Ty); her Nana, Donna; grandparents,...

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