

Plane problems promote community cooperation

What could have been an embarrassing irony became a regional success story displaying community collaboration during last weeks’ grand opening of the Trail Air Terminal on Nov. 29 (see full story at https://trailchampion.com/news/celebrating-new-trail-airport-terminal-building-46086#.Wil0TXlry1s ). Despite sometimes contentious...

Missing dog reunited with owner — Police

The Grand Forks RCMP is pleased to announce the missing dog found Friday, December 1, has now been reunited with its owner. RCMP would like to thank everyone who assisted in this find. Anyone missing a dog? On December 1st, 2017 the Grand Forks RCMP requested that Animal Control seize a dog from the field near the 9700 block...

Police seek answers in local fatal collision

The Castlegar RCMP are continuing their investigation into the Nov. 20head-on collision which occurred on Hwy 22 between Blueberry and Fairview.   Castlegar Top Cop Sgt. Laurel Mathew said they don't have reason to believe alcohol, drugs or speed were a factor, but they would like witnesses to help them determine exactly what...

From The Hill: Fix the Phoenix payroll system

Recently, the Auditor General of Canada released a report that addressed the Phoenix payroll that has seriously affected the lives of thousands of civil servants across this country. More than half of the public service sector is caught up in this -- many are being paid well below their proper salaries, some are not being...

Grand Forks Birdwatchers Come Together to Participate in 118th Christmas Bird Count

Another Christmas Bird Count season is around the corner. Between December 14, 2017 and January 5, 2018, tens of thousands of bird and winter enthusiasts will rally together to count millions of birds across the continent as part of the 118th year of this long-running wildlife survey. On December 16th, participants in Grand...

An adopted cat = the best ten pounds to gain this holiday season

No one wants the added pounds that tend to appear on waistlines – and elsewhere – after a festive season of celebrating. But ten pounds (or so) of furry, purring cuddles around the home are another matter entirely! That’s why the BC SPCA is encouraging people who are thinking about adopting a feline family member to do so...

Afraid of that new parking lot?

There are some new signs beside the road leading to the new parking lot up at Strawberry Pass, alerting drivers not to block it.  The signs are not professional -- they were made by volunteers, out of donated scrap material, hand-lettered with a felt pen, and stuck into the snowbanks on Saturday morning, November 18th....

Letter: Parking woes at Strawberry Pass

How fortunate we are to have so much snow so early in the season. Rosslanders, being the avid out doors people that we are, were out in droves, cross-country skiing, touring, and snow shoeing. On Friday  we headed up to Strawberry Pass, to the Rossland Range Recreation Site, for our first turns on Lepsoe...

Fall seeding — a great time to get a head start on next year

This is a great time of year to do some seeding.  When doing late fall seeding it is best to try and wait until just before the snow comes.  You don’t want the seed to germinate right before winter as it will die and you don’t want the birds to eat your seed off the ground.  Select which area you want to seed and take into ...

Salmo Recognized as Age-Friendly Community by Province

The Village of Salmo is pleased to have been formally recognized as an Age-Friendly Community by the BC Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Executive Director of the BC Healthy Communities Society Jodi Mucha. This provincial recognition includes a framed poster to hang in the Village office and a $1,000 grant. “This recognition...

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