

Local Man Presented With Senator's Medal

In Rossland City Council Chambers on Thursday evening, December 14, well-known Rossland resident Kim Deane modestly received a medal awarded to him by Senator Nancy Greene Raines, honouring his volunteerism and involvement in developing local trail systems and other recreational opportunities in the Rossland Range.  With...

Vehicle vs pedestrian sends man to hospital

A pedestrian was sent to Trail hospital after an accident outside Castlegar Tim Horton's this morning, according to Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. He said the call came in at 9:56 a.m., and crews arrived at 10:02 a.m. to find RCMP already on scene and detouring traffic off Columbia Avenue. Columbia Avenue was reopened at roughly...

FortisBC customers to see decreases to natural gas rates and no change to electricity rates on Jan. 1

When most costs are rising in the New Year, natural gas and electricity bills will not; in fact, natural gas rates are decreasing. FortisBC delivers energy at the lowest reasonable rate, and on January 1, customers will receive just that. For natural gas customers across the province rates will decrease, and for electricity...

Major accident closes Highway 3 near Midway

Investigators with the Boundary RCMP and West Kootenay Traffic Services attended a fatal collision on Highway 3 near Midway, on Tuesday morning. Boundary RCMP and West Kootenay Traffic Services are investigating the cause of a fatal accident Tuesday morning on Highway 3 near Midway. In a medial release, Boundary RCMP received...

Glad Tidings from the District Recreation Officer

Rossland Range Recreation Site: out with the old, in with the new – Friends of the Rossland Range (FORRS) have received permission from Justin Dexter, the Ministry of Forests District Recreation Officer, to replace the old, dirt-floored, packrat-infested Eagle’s Nest day-use hut with a new shelter. The current...

No one injured in truck fire Wednesday morning

A vehicular fire this morning just off Columbia Avenue on 12 Street caused thousands of dollars in damage, according to Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. He said the call came in at 9:29 a.m., and eight fire fighters with two engines and a command vehicle arrived on scene to find a cube van engulfed in flames. “One of the workers saw...

Column: From the Hill -- the wine case at the Supreme Court of Canada

One of the many happy tasks of a Member of Parliament is meeting up with constituents when they visit Ottawa.  Last Thursday I had the pleasure of inviting representatives of the Okanagan wine industry to lunch.  They and their legal team had just had a memorable morning intervening in an important Supreme Court action, known...

Christmas in City Park

There's nothing like a few Christmas lights to brighten anyone's spirit. Down at City Park, Christmas lights light up the night sky for everyone to enjoy. Check it out, if you get a chance....

Grand Forks now officialy has a Dog Park

Grand Forks officially opened its dog park last week when with a ribbon cutting. The park is located directly behind Evergreen Cemetery in Grand Forks. This is a small dog park, off the beaten path in a residential area and behind the cemetery. There are poo bags and a picnic table....

Fire crews knock down Fruitvale blaze in minutes

Quick action on the part of Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue may have prevented serious damage to a local home last night in Fruitvale. Captain Jason Milne said a 9-1-1 call reporting a shed fire at 25 Kootenay Ave. North was received at 11:06 p.m., and crews arrived nine minutes later to find a shed fully engulfed in...

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