

RDKB Wildfire Update, Aug. 21, 3:45 p.m.

Overview ·         There are currently more than 151 fires burning within the Southeast Fire Centre. ·         Evacuation alert rescinded for 22 addresses near the Toronto Creek Fire as that fire is now under control. ·         58 addresses remain on Evacuation Alert in the RDKB in two areas near the Santa Rosa and Lynch Creek...

Wildfire near China Creek 22 hectares in size

A wildfire was discovered yesterday six km northwest of Genelle and about seven km west of Blueberry, according to Fire Information Officer Ashley Davidoff. “It’s roughly 22 hectares in size,” Davidoff said, adding the blaze is believed to be lightning-caused. “Resources on site today include ground crews and two bucketing ...

CORRECTION TO LOCATION OF RECEPTION CENTRE: Evacuation ORDER issued for properties north of Deer Creek wildfire

The Deer Creek wildfire (N52489) has now grown to approximately 439 hectares and is still being responded to by BC Wildfire Service. Due to wildfire activity and forecast conditions, the Southeast Fire Centre has recommended the current Evacuation Alert in the area be immediately upgraded to an Evacuation ORDER for 13 properties...

Environment Canada calling for cool temperatures and rain this weekend

The Air Quality Index in Castlegar has improved to ‘unhealthy’ from yesterday’s ‘hazardous – a dramatic improvement, but that’s the least of today’s good news. Environment Canada is now calling for low temperatures and rain over the weekend, beginning Thursday night, and carrying on, potentially, through until at least Monday...

Good news from RDKB, 22 addresses no longer on evac alert

On the advice of the BC Wildfire Service, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has rescinded an evacuation alert for 22 addresses near the Toronto Creek Fire, on the east side of the Granby River Valley. The Toronto Creek Fire is now fully contained and guarded, and classified as under control by the BC Wildfire Service....

RDCK UPDATE as of 12 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20

All current Evacuation ALERTS remain in effect: - Bulldog Mountain wildfire, affecting the area along Lower Arrow Lake from Renata to Shields - Deer Creek wildfire, affecting the area from south of Deer Park at Cayuse Creek, northwest along the lake to the end of Broadwater Road, and north to the end of Deer Creek Forest...

Truck fire sees pastor saving more than souls

A local pastor has apparently expanded her repertoire from saving locals from hellfire to saving locals from truck fires as well, after an incident Monday morning in Blueberry. The incident occurred just after 11 a.m. “I just so happened to look out my window and saw some really black smoke, and thought, ‘Well, ...

RDKB Update: Fire danger remains extreme across entire Kootenay Boundary

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Emergency Operations Centre continues to monitor the wildfire situation in the Boundary region, RDKB staff said there are currently more than 151 fires burning within the Southeast Fire Centre with 80 addresses remaining on Evacuation Alert in the region, including three areas near...

Evacuation Alert for area south of Renata to include Shields

Yesterday, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) issued an Evacuation Alert for nine addresses located south of Renata on Lower Arrow Lake due to wildfires. The community of Shields, located further south along the lake, is now included in the alert area to align with the area identified by BC Wildfire Service. A...

BREAKING: Province of B.C. declares state of emergency

The British Columbia government has declared a provincial state of emergency to support the provincewide response to the ongoing wildfire situation. Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, made the declaration based on the recommendation from B.C.’s wildfire and emergency management officials. The...

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