

Some memories from our hills

Tales of the Trails: up in the new Lepsoe Basin cabin, there was – and should still be – a copy of a slim volume of ditties penned by “The Convert,” real name John Forrest, who described himself as “an old retired Red Mountain ski patroller and downhill fanatic now addicted to tall tales and the...

Column: Forestry issues

We’ve heard a lot in the news lately about the challenges facing the oil sector, but much less about the serious problems confronting another natural resource industry—forestry. Two years ago, the United States placed significant import tariffs on softwood lumber.  Those illegal tariffs are still in place, yet we hear almost...

Column: From the Hill -- Homelessness

In this coldest time of the year, we often think of the people in our area who are homeless.  Some have ended up on the streets and in rough camps because of mental health issues, addictions, or a combination of the two.  Some are children fleeing abusive parents or women fleeing abusive spouses; others have become disabled. ...

Ski Salmo this Saturday for small donation and fabulous cause

The owners of Castlegar’s Speedy Glass are holding a fun family event this Saturday to give back to the community as well as to fundraise for a local, volunteer-driven tourism destination. Speedy Glass co-owner Stephanie Syme said their Third Annual Customer Appreciation Day at the Salmo Ski Hill gives back to the community...

Booty's Cabin at Strawberry Pass nearly destroyed

It may have been someone careless with a candle on Christmas Eve.  When a small group of skiers passing Booty’s Cabin early on Christmas morning noticed flames through the window, the flames were already a foot high and spreading. A Friends of the Rossland Range Society (FORRS) director says that, according to a firefighter...

Darkwoods Conservation Area to grow

A large tract of protected lands stretches between Nelson and Creston, including areas managed by the Province of British Columbia and the Darkwoods Conservation Area, owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Yet one area within Darkwoods — the Next Creek watershed — remains unprotected. This is about to...

New approach at Greater Trail Victim Services Program results in five times more referrals

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Greater Trail Victim Services Program works closely with the RCMP to offer victim services to people in the region who may have experienced trauma because of crime or another disturbing event. The program has recently taken a more active role in finding clients in need of support...

Fire engulfs abandoned house in Grand Forks

No one was injured after an abandoned house caught fire in Grand Forks Tuesday morning. Grand Forks Fire and Rescue responded to the scene shortly before 6 a.m. to a find the house engulfed in flames. It is believed the house has been abandoned following the recent death of the owner. Fire crews took approximately two hours...

City seeks multi-million dollar grant for flood recovery

The city could receive up to $48 million for ‘critical infrastructure’ related to the flood that decimated Grand Forks earlier this year. With a successful grant application that will cost the city $250,000 for the development of planning and support documents, the City of Grand Forks could land the multi-million dollar...

RDKB Board Meeting — New pumper for Grand Forks Fire/Rescue

Grand Forks to receive funds for a new pumper truck, the Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association giving information about a lack of land base for timber harvesting and continuation of the Wood Stove Exchange Program were just some of the items on the agenda during the recent board meeting of the Regional District of Kootenay...

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