

Province offers guidance to mining and smelting operations during COVID‐19

As challenges caused by novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to shift, the B.C. government and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer (PHO), are taking unprecedented measures to slow transmission. On March 16, 2020, Henry issued an order under the Public Health Act prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people....

Community Futures: Helping Businesses through the COVID-19 Pandemic

With businesses closing their doors in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the need for business supports is urgent. As a non-profit community economic development organization, Community Futures Central Kootenay is committed to helping businesses and communities through this crisis. Staff have been monitoring government...

Kootenay Savings offers options/relief as COVID crisis evolves

As a member-owned credit union, local decision-making and thriving communities are the cornerstone of who we are. The health and safety of our members, employees and communities are of utmost importance to us.  With the extraordinary events around us evolving at a rapid pace, we’re proactively taking precautions against the...

Intefor announces production curtailments in response to COVID crisis

The following is a press release issued by Interfor Wednesday afternoon, describing their actions in response to COVID-19: INTERFOR CORPORATION (“Interfor” or the “Company”) (TSX: IFP) today announced it will implement a number of initiatives in order to adjust its business to operating conditions being impacted by COVID-19. ...

Head of BC Chamber responds to federal/provincial COVID-19

Federal Finance Minister, Bill Morneau, just unveiled the “first phase” of Canada’s “Economic Response Plan” – which includes $27B in direct support and aid to Canadians and $55B in tax deferrals. The federal package includes a number of desired-actions you flagged in our network-wide COVID-19 Business Impact Survey the results...

Teck enacts 'extensive preventative measures' for COVID-19

Teck is implementing extensive preventative measures across its offices and operations in order to safeguard the health of its employees, while continuing to operate safely and responsibly maintain employment and economic activity. All Teck corporate offices have been closed and remote work implemented for all employees able...

Teck Withdraws Regulatory Application for Frontier Project Due to Climate Change policy concerns

On Feb. 23, Teck announced it is withdrawing the Frontier Project from the regulatory review process.   Teck CEO and President Don Lindsay has written to the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change outlining the reasons for the withdrawal. The letter is included below:  Letter to Minister Wilkinson Dear Minister:...

Changes coming for ICBC

The  BC Government has announced changes in the works for  ICBC, claiming these will remove lawyers and legal costs from the system “to reduce rates and substantially increase care benefits, making public auto insurance work for British Columbians again.” The new system is referred to as a “care-based” system.  Here’s what ...

Seniors Advocate reports on elder-care facilities, finds need for change

A Billion Reasons to Care  is the first provincial review of the $1.4 billion-dollar contracted long-term care sector in British Columbia. The review examined industry contracts, annual audited financial statements and detailed reporting on revenue and expenditures for the years 2016/17 and 2017/18. The BC Seniors Advocate ...

Column: From the Hill -- The new NAFTA -- CUSMA

This week in the House of Commons we are debating the new NAFTA agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico, known by the acronym CUSMA. The original NAFTA was negotiated by Conservatives and signed by Liberals in 1994 with promises of more jobs and secure access to the largest market in the world. Supporters of ...

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