

City of Trail to buy Trail airport

Trail City Council is pleased to announce the City of Trail will be proceeding with the purchase of the Trail Regional Airport (YZZ) from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). Council determined the condition precedent, a business plan outlining the operations and economic feasibilities of the City of Trail...

UPDATED: Agreement ends FortisBC lockout of 225 electrical workers

Both sides of the FortisBC lockout will be getting an early Christmas present: an end to what has been a long and bitter parting of ways. Mike Flynn, business manager of IBEW local 213, said the 225 locked out electrical workers should be looking at an immediate return to work, with some back on the job as soon as this...

IBEW Local 213 agrees to FortisBC 'Binding Interest Arbitration' offer, with conditions

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 Business Manager Rod Russell said Wednesday the union is willing to accept the recent offer of "Binding Interest Arbitration" from FortisBC to end the five-plus month labour dispute. However, some conditions are attached to the recent IBEW Local 213 counter proposal ...

Kootenay Contraption Contest 2013 enlists Kootenay Kids to Solve Global Energy Crisis

Imagine the year is 2050. Wind and Solar have proliferated as clean, green, sources of electricity. As society has yet to teach Mother Nature to blow wind all day long, and that pesky issue of the sun only shining sometimes is fundamentally unchangeable, we need better ways of saving up the clean energy we make - so we can ...

Castlegar/Nelson to host events questioning the safety of Genetically Engineered foods

Two renowned Canadian scientists will be speaking in Castlegar at 12 p.m. on Dec. 6 to answer questions and concerns regarding genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified or GM) foods and human health. As well, they will present at 7 p.m. at Nelson’s United Church. The Selkirk College Student Union (SCSU)...

War of words continues in FortisBC lockout, union says company saving $7 Million in wages

The war of word continues to be exchanged between the two sides in the labour dispute at FortisBC. The locked out International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 213 said in press release FortisBC has saved $7 Million from not paying wages and should not be granted an increase to raise rates by the BC Utilities Commission. ...

Three Okanagan CUPE unions issue 72-hour strike notice

As if Monday's meeting SD8 Board of Education at 6:30 p.m. in the Nelson Board Room of the Kootenay Lake School Board wasn't important enough, trustee decisions may be even more concerning to parents of students in District 8 after a decision by three CUPE locals in the Okanagan to issue 72-hour strike notice. Potential job...

City of Trail offering free broadband connection to downtown businesses

The City of Trail is offering free fibre connection to downtown Trail businesses until March 31, 2014. The connection, approximately a $1,500 value, will allow businesses to connect to the new high-speed fibre optic network slated to become available in early 2014. Service plans and fees will need to be determined and negotiated...

Selkirk addressing skilled trades shortages with new options for high school students

High school students from around the region will have the opportunity to get a taste for the wide array of trades pathways available at Selkirk College. On Dec. 6, Selkirk College is hosting Made for Trades. The event will provide students in Grades 11 and 12 the chance to get hands-on experience and explore career directions...

Selkirk College Provides High School Students a Peek at Trades

High school students from around the region will have the opportunity to get a taste for the wide array of trades pathways available at Selkirk College. On Friday, December 6th, Selkirk College is hosting Made for Trades. The event will provide students in Grades 11 and 12 the chance to get hands-on experience and explore...

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