

PODCAST: You can do that here! Episode 4: How to retain and attract top talent with Greg Malpas

  People. Any smart entrepreneur out there knows that to truly do great things in business, it’s going to take more than just yourself to get the job done. People indeed are truly a companies greatest asset.  Putting in place those people that can get behind your goal, get engaged with your company’s mission, and truly want...

Believe it or not, price of gas dips below a buck

What can you get for under a buck? Well, as of this week in Nelson, a litre of gas. Petrol in the Heritage City joined the rest of the province in seeing its gas prices plummet from $1.40 not that long ago to 99.9. Average gas prices have fallen more than 40 cents per litre since June due to declining oil prices. The price ...

You can do that here! Podcast Episode 3 - How to be a successful serial entrepreneur with Amber Hayes

Authors Note: The You can do that here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST). It is a weekly series of half hour conversations with the most innovative entrepreneurs in the West Kootenay. Each episode is full of advice, and learnings from those that have been...

Hijacking at Castlegar's West Kootenay Regional Airport?

Anyone seeing the plethora of emergency vehicles out in front of the West Kootenay Regional Airport New Year’s Eve might have been concerned, as every agency from RCMP to fire to BC Ambulance, to emergency social services, as well as commissionaires, CATSA and preboard security were on hand to manage a so-called “hijacking ...

Pro driver slams Emcon after harrowing crash

Emcon (our regional road maintenance contractor) is once again under fire after only the second significant snowfall of the season (see last year’s story by clicking here https://castlegarsource.com/news/emcon-answers-uproar-after-record-snowfalls-22622#.VKGxwdWk0 ) This, after Castlegar resident James Mckenzie, 44, was on his...

Trail says 'no' to regional airport study; sticks to Trail Regional Airport plan instead

The City of Trail would like to clarify that it does not support the proposed Regional Airport Study being developed through the West Kootenay Economic Development group. The City of Trail will be moving forward with the Trail Regional Airport Plan that will advance options to improve and enhance current operations, infrastructure...

Soon to be completed Waneta Expansion Project

The annual Christmas tree is lit for the holiday season at the Waneta Expansion Project site. This is the last Christmas that will see construction on the project which is slated for completion in 2015. The $900 million Waneta Expansion Project, located next to the Waneta Dam south of Trail, will see the addition of a second...

Broadband to 'light up' downtown Trail in time for the holidays

Business-grade fibre broadband is ready to be lit-up in downtown Trail just in time for Christmas. Columbia Networks will be the first Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide services on the new open access network. Initial business offerings include connectivity up to 100Mbps (upload and download), email, offsite data...

Electricity rates to go up Jan. 1

Consumers will be greeting the New Year with another hike in utility rates, according to a press release issued by FortisBC on Dec. 1. “FortisBC has received regulatory approval for a 3.5 per cent interim rate increase for electricity customers to take effect January 1, 2015,” the release said. “The rate increase is interim...

CP Rail response doesn't track for council

At its first regular meeting since the election, city council expressed frustration over a less-than-satisfactory response from CP Rail regarding a new schedule of night trains running through the region. This, after CP Rail sent a delegation to council's regular meeting on Oct. 6 attended by more than 100 upset residents, ...

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