

Medical dispensaries eager to be part of conversation regarding Canada's marijuana legislation says local owner

Canadian Health Minister Jane Philpott recently took to the United Nations General Assembly special session on global drug policy to announce Justin Trudeau's plan to keep his campaign promise to legalize recreational marijuana — legislation that is especially pertinent to those living in the Nelson area. While the news...

Spring Farm Fair fast approaching

We are hosting our Third Annual Spring Farm Fair on May 14 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m., at the Pass Creek Regional Exhibition Grounds in Robson. Spring Farm Fair is associated with the Annual Pass Creek Fall Fair, which informs and educates the public regarding the importance of the Agricultural Industry and the positive impact...

Local kids advance in Junior Dragon's Den competition

The Third West Kootenay- Boundary Junior Dragons Den business competition, took place April 21 at the Charles Bailey Theatre in Trail. The event saw 14 youth businesses from Grand forks to Nakusp, vying for dominance as they pitched their wares to a panel of local Dragons (aka. ‘the judges’) in front of a live audience....

Spill at Teck Trail now contained, causes no risk to human health

On April 13, at just before 2 p.m., there was a hazardous materials spill at the Teck Trail Operations facility, according to Richard Deane, manager, Commercial Services and Public Affairs “It was a short duration discharge of water containing metals at our operation this afternoon,” Deane said. “It is believed to be the...

Andrew Weaver's 'Bye Bye Jumbo Resort' Bill?

BC's lone Green Party MLA, Andrew Weaver, has been busy lately.  He has proposed Bill M214 — Local Government Amendment Act, 2016, which would amend the Local Government Act by repealing parts of Section 8. Those parts were passed by the BC Legislature in 2012, apparently for the sole purpose of creating more favourable...

Council divided on ride-sharing programs like Uber

A motion put forward by councillor Florio Vassilakakis to support ride-sharing programs was tabled at council's regular meeting Monday night. Vassilakakis wanted the city to send a letter to the province indicating Castlegar's support for secondary transportation options such as Uber and Lyft. (These are smart phone apps that...

Selkirk College Co-Op Program Puts Education to Work

Selkirk College is joining institutions across Canada in celebrating Co-operative Education Week March 14 to 18, marking a tradition more than two decades old at the local post-secondary school. “The Co-op Education Program at Selkirk College is over 25 years of age,” says Brenda Smith, Manager of Co-op Education and Employment...

Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute research shows dramatic disparity between male and female earnings in the region

In honour of International Women's Day, we are taking a look at gender-based differences in Columbia Basin-Boundary incomes.  Pre-tax income distribution is an indicator of the earning opportunities and potential within our society.  Examining the differences in the distribution of income between males and females sheds light...

FortisBC receives approval to build new Kootenay facility in Castlegar

FortisBC said in a media release the company has received regulatory approval from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to build a new Kootenay Operations Centre in Castlegar, B.C. and will begin construction as early as May. Once complete, the new facility will centralize many key operations to better serve electricity customers...

IHA wrings out Nelson laundry service and prepares to cut 29 jobs in the city

The fate of Kootenay Lake Hospital’s laundry services has all come out in the wash. On Tuesday afternoon the Interior Health Authority (IHA) has elected to contract out hospital laundry services for Nelson and four other communities, meaning 29 job losses in the city. Interior Health’s board of directors and the health authority...

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