

Make Valuable Connections at Selkirk College Career & Education Fair

Rewarding education and employment are just around the corner. The Selkirk College Career & Education Fair brings students and community members together with employers and post-secondary programs that will help them along the pathway to success. The annual event takes place Tuesday, March 7 on the Castlegar Campus and ...

Selkirk College Connects Employers to Students Eager to Achieve Through Work

Partnering with Co-op Education & Employment Services to hire a co-op student from Selkirk College brings countless paybacks to employers throughout the province. Employers benefit from a connection to highly motivated and capable students in a variety of disciplines that are flexible and productive workers. Students can...

Reaction from BC's fifth consecutive Balanced Budget

Tuesday, Liberal Finance Minister Michael de Jong tabled a balanced budget for the fifth consecutive time Tuesday in the BC legislature. Here are some of the responses from different parties in BC. Sierra Club BC communications director Tim Pearson:...

Liberal Finance Minister Michael de Jong delivers fifth balanced budget

On the eve of a provincial election, Liberal Finance Minister Michael de Jong tabled a balanced budget for the fifth consecutive time Tuesday in the BC legislature. The budget by de Jong delivers the dividends of a strong and diversified economy and prudent fiscal management by cutting costs for middle-class B.C. families, ...

Representative for Children and Youth: Alex's Story Prompts Acting Rep to Recommend Key Changes

Lacking any permanent connection to his family and culture and without the mental health supports that might have made a difference, an 18-year-old Métis youth in care took his own life in an act of desperation, says an investigative report issued today by British Columbia’s Acting Representative for Children and Youth....

Government charges up incentives for zero-emission vehicles

Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett Friday announced an investment of $40 million to encourage British Columbians to make the switch to zero-emission vehicles, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support investment in made-in-B.C. green technology. “Zero-emission vehicles are clean, quiet and reliable, and help drivers...

BC Hydro's $2.5-mill reno of Castlegar offices nearing completion

BC Hydro is nearing completion of their $2.5-million renovation of their offices, according to spokeswoman Mary Anne Coules, who said the project is expected to be completed on schedule by April of this year....

Selkirk College Career & Education Fair Makes Employment Connection

Local employers are teaming up with Selkirk College for the Career and Education Fair. The aim is to connect with people eager to find employment, students wanting to chart a course for future education and employment counsellors seeking up-to-date career information. This free annual event benefits all participants, says...

New provincial regulations surrounding alcohol come into effect

Alcohol could become a more pervasive and accessible aspect of Kootenay-Boundary life after the province implemented province-wide updates to the Liquor Control and Licencing Act Monday. All types of businesses — like barbershops, salons, book stores and art galleries — are now eligible to apply for a liquor licence, after ...

New provincial regulations surrounding alcohol come into effect

Alcohol could become a more pervasive and accessible aspect of Kootenay-Boundary life after the province implemented province-wide updates to the Liquor Control and Licencing Act Monday. All types of businesses — like barbershops, salons, book stores and art galleries — are now eligible to apply for a liquor licence, after ...

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