

Castlegar author writes childrens book to strengthen generational ties

There’s no place like home… Except Grandpa’s. In Joey Visits Grandpa, author Patricia Nichvolodoff tells a humorous and heart-warming story about the special relationship between Joey and his grandfather.  After his grandfather continuously misplaces his glasses, Joey devises a creative plan to solve his grandfather’s problem....

Music Festival at Slocan in Mid-July -- Mark the Calendar!

Unity Music Festival is a sweet family festival on the beautiful beach of Slocan BC.  Held this year from July 15th -17th, Unity features world and dance music and includes many genres of music to delight everyone's tastes including showcasing the talented local artists of the Kootenays.  Organizers say  "This area is a hotbed...

Selkirk College Music Students to Shine in Showcase Concerts

Second-year Selkirk College Contemporary Music & Technology Program students are ready to cue the lights on their annual showcase concerts featuring emerging talent from budding musicians. “It’s the highlight of their two years at Selkirk College,” says Selkirk College Keyboard/Arranging Instructor Gilles Parenteau. “Our...

Call for Entry: Artists/ Heritage Venues

Call for entry: registrations are being accepted for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin to participate in the 8th annual Columbia Basin Culture Tour (CBCT), a celebration of culture taking place Aug. 13-14, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm. The CBCT is a self guided tour showcasing local arts, culture and heritage offered at no...

No Boundaries Film Club presents the 2016 Travelling World Community Film Festival

Friday, February 26th – 7 to 9:30 pm Saturday, February 27th – 9 am to 9:30 pm Sunday, February 28th – 9 am to 5:00 pm Grand Forks Secondary School Auditorium   Welcome to the 11th annual Grand Forks screening of the Traveling World Community Film Festival. The World Community Development Education Society, based in Courtenay,...

Rising From the Ashes - Ponderosa Festival Returns in 2016

Festival founders Kris Hargrave and Kia Zahrabi confirmed today that while BC’s largest interface fire of 2015 caused the cancellation of their third installment, Ponderosa Arts & Music Festival will return in 2016, August 19 to 21, in Rock Creek, BC. The festival, called off due to safety concerns just two days before ...


It was a dark period in the forging of the United States, one of many for a nation aspiring to greatness. The fostering of paranoia in order to expunge enemies, imagined or real, is an unfortunate device employed by those with distorted dreams. The victims, in this case, included folk musician Pete Seeger, writer Dashiell...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Update on 'Brooklyn'

Just want to give you a heads up that the date of our upcoming Spotlight Films presentation of Brooklyn has been pushed back a week.  It will be screening on Tuesday, February 2nd and notJanuary 26th.     We have no control over these date changes and we apologize for the inconvenience.  We also understand why the Gem Theatre...

gallery 2 opens first exhibit of the year with 'Local(i)ty 2'

Gallery 2 is excited to be presenting the first two exhibitions of 2016. Local(i)ty 2, curated by Carin Covin, presents the work of artists Nora Curiston, Laura Widmer and Brenda Feist in the Reid and West Galleries. This ambitious exhibition includes work in diverse media from all three artists that explore connection to...

Writer's festival coming to Penticton

The Shatford Centre/Okanagan School of the Arts is preparing to host a stimulating weekend for writers and aspiring authors with the first annual Okanagan Valley Writer's Festival, April 8 to 9. Offerings include workshops and panel discussions on various aspects of writing, selling and marketing fiction and nonfiction in a...

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