

IN REVIEW: Pentaedre puts wind instruments in the spotlight

After an evening of listening to the subtle and rich tones of the wind instrument quintet Pentaedre, I don't think I could go back to seeing those instruments stuffed in the back of an orchaestra pit where they can usually be found. The Grand Forks Secondary School auditorium was nearly full with both young and young-at-heart...

Eco-Village proposed for Ponderosa area

A sustainable living development may be in the future for a property west of Christina Lake. A representative from Marga Ventures Ltd., who has chosen to remain nameless while the re-zoning application is in process, made a presentation to the Regional District Kootenay Boundary's (RDKB) monthly board meeting on Thursday,...


  For those of you who missed Beginners, presented by Spotlight films in November, I would like to suggest you watch it when you can. It is a very funny and sweet film with excellent performances by Christopher Plummer and Ewan McGregor and a very talented supporting cast including a cerebrally developed Jack Russel Terrier...

Museum short $80,000 for coming year

Society directors came to Grand Forks city council Monday night seeking a commitment of $80,000 for the survival of the Boundary Museum. Christine Thompson, past city councillor and director with the museum, attended the council meeting along with fellow board members to present their case on Jan. 23. The society submitted ...

Join in the week-long fun for family literacy

Celebrate a love of learning while spending some quality family time at four Family Literacy Day events planned for the Boundary this week.   Family Literacy Day, Jan. 27, has been a national awareness initiative held annually since 1999. According to the event creator, ABC Literacy Canada (abclifeliteracy.ca LINK), more than...

ELECTRIC GRAPEVINE: Movies to remember and some to forget

 Having had three weeks to digest what was 2011 I can begin my annual look at the best and worst films by examining the bookends which are Drive and The Tree Of Life.In the awful words of The Rock in Fast Five, "You know I like my dessert first," so I'll start with Drive. Drive is perhaps one of the best films I have seen...

Funding is building block for literacy programs

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is pleased to know that their dozens of programs and 16 communities it serves will continue this year after receiving news about an injection of cash from the province.   Last week the B.C. Government announced CBAL will be receiving $40,000 through the Community Adult Literacy...

PERFORMANCE: Hear the winds, soothe the soul

Pentaèdre, a unique ensemble in the Canadian landscape, presents wind music that crosses cultures and continents. Featuring refined classical works by Mozart and comedic opera by Rossini through to the warm and exotic ambiances of Latin American music by Riviera, it’s music to soothe the soul!The Boundary District Arts Council...

Christmas in Grand Forks is truly unique

While the Christmas season has passed the opportunity to celebrate the volunteers of the area cannot be missed. In their usual grand style volunteers shared their true spirit of the season at the 30th Annual Grand Forks Community Christmas Dinner on, when else, Christmas Day.   Opening the celebration, Mayor Brian Taylor...

COSMIC QUIRK: My Blackberry is not working

At a time when technology is moving so fast it's hard to keep up and choices seem confusing, Ronnie Corbett and Harry Enfield star in this hilarious, fruity sketch from the BBC to enlighten you.Although you won't believe it when the Apple crashes, enjoy the moment....

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